7 Uses Of Cannabis Strains

7 Uses Of Cannabis Strains

Cannabis is a plant widely known for Marijuana. It is most commonly associated with ‘getting high’ worldwide. However, there is much more to it, and cannabis is a relatively complex plant. All the strains of cannabis available currently are derived from the Cannabaceae family of plants. However, the experts recognize two significant and most prominent cannabis strains – cannabis Indica and cannabis Sativa. These two strains are the purest form of cannabis, while some recognize a hybrid strain of cannabis created by combining both cannabis Indica and cannabis Sativa. 

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One of the most prominent extraction from the cannabis strains is CBD and THC. Both are quite the opposite in terms of their effects. CBD is Cannabidiol and THC refers to Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol. The intoxication and psychoactive substances, including Marijuana and others, are part of THC, while CBD is free from any intoxication.

Other essential strains derived from cannabis plants include Kush, Hindu Kush, Afghan Kush, Green Kush, Purple Kush, derivable from cannabis Indica. In contrast, Diesel Haze is derivable from cannabis Sativa. In addition, strains like Blueberry Kush, Jamaican Golden Kush are extracted from the hybrid.

Let us look at some uses of cannabis strains that make human life much more convenient.

Can Help Relieve Pain

cannabis strains like Indica, hybrid, and Tropicana strain helps to relieve pain and discomfort. It also provides relief to chronic pain caused due to chemical makeup. In addition, creams and oils containing THC and CBD are helpful to deal with the pain of arthritis. 

Can Deal with Mental Health Challenges

The cannabis strains are popularly known for dealing with mental health challenges. Most people nowadays have mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Many cannabis strains, like AC/DC, Canna-Tsu, and Jack Herer, hold a promise to tackle a few problems – generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and social anxiety disorder.

Source: Pixabay

Can Help Deal Cancer Treatment Side effects

A few strains of cannabis are well known as a treatment of the side effects of cancer treatment. We all know that the most prominent cancer treatment remains Chemotherapy, and it has a few significant side effects. A study observed people’s symptoms of nausea and vomiting due to Chemotherapy and experienced relief when taking Sativex. Sativex is a recognized cannabis strain that may ease spasticity and chemo side effects. However, there is a requirement for detailed study for mass usage. Putting a step further, some even claim that there is much evidence where cannabinoids can help to fight cancer. 

Might Work as a Diabetes Regulator

Cannabis also helps in controlling and conditioning diabetes. Although it applies to impact insulin, cannabis can help to regulate or even prevent diabetes. A research study conducted by the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis (AAMC) found that cannabis links to stabilizing blood sugar, lowering blood pressure, and improving blood circulation in the human body. 

Might Improve Lung Capacity

There is proof that some cannabis strains help to improve lung capacity rather than causing harm to it. A 2016 study has found that cannabis can increase the capacity of the lungs—the long-term research study on the risk of cardiovascular disease and FVC. The well-conducted study has findings that moderate consumption of cannabis does not harm the lungs, instead increases its capacity. 

Source: Pixabay

Protection of the Nervous system

Research studies have backed the fact that certain cannabis strains are effective against neurological diseases as well as helps in neuro-protection. Furthermore, the experts claim that they offer protection against several neurodegenerative diseases. These include amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and multiple sclerosis (MS).

These cannabis strains are equally or even more effective in neuroprotection among animals. For example, a study from 2017 portrays the therapeutic effects of cannabis strains on mental health and the nervous system.

Can Help You Sleep Better

The cannabis strains prove effective if you have a chaotic sleep schedule. It is one of the best medical uses of cannabis. The Swiss medical journal Medicines have recently published a report claiming that cannabis flowers correlate with ‘significant improvements in perceived insomnia’. The cannabis flower is from the Indica strain. 


Altogether, cannabis is quite helpful and has extremely beneficial medicinal uses. There are organizations like American Alliance for Medical cannabis that is consistently exploring cannabis and its various benefits. Although some uses need more study and research before releasing it to mass usage and announcing it for public use, cannabis has specific potential, which one can’t ignore. 

The cannabis strain a person chooses depends primarily on the effects they desire. The strains differ from one another, and so do their effects. Some cannabis strains may be incompatible for a user and cause side effects like dizziness and dry mouth and eyes. As such, the user should do preliminary research into the effects/side effects of the strain before choosing it for themselves.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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