8 Things You Are Doing That Are Damaging Your Hair

Meta Description: Uncover the everyday habits that might unknowingly harm your locks. In this post, learn simple changes for healthier, shinier hair with clean hair products.

Have you tried everything yet have hair that looks dull and damaged? Be it all the natural remedies you have been trying or trusting different hair care products, does your hair still look frizzy with a rough texture? 

Even after doing everything you can for your hair, is the shine still missing

If yes, hear us out: While clean hair products can do wonders for hair health, your everyday habits might unknowingly harm your locks.

Maybe all your hair needs is a few simple changes for healthier and shinier hair! 

Want to know how? Keep reading this post and get to know 8 things that are damaging your hair: 

  1. Over-Washing Your Hair

Washing your hair daily might seem like a good idea to keep it clean, but it can strip away the natural oils that keep your hair healthy and moisturized. 

Aim to wash your hair twice to thrice a week or as needed using nourishing hair products. Use a gentle shampoo formulated for your hair type to avoid over-drying. 

Remember, less frequent washing allows your scalp’s natural oils to nourish and protect your hair follicles, promoting overall health.

  1. Using Hot Water

While a hot shower can feel relaxing, hot water can damage your hair by stripping away its natural oils and causing dryness and breakage. 

When washing your hair, use lukewarm or cool water. This helps seal the hair cuticles, promoting smoother and shinier strands. 

Adjusting your shower temperature protects your hair from unnecessary damage and maintains its natural moisture balance.

  1. Overusing Heat Styling Tools

Blow dryers, straighteners, and curling irons can give you the style you desire, but excessive heat can weaken hair strands and breakage. 

Avoid using heat styling tools, and always use a heat protectant spray before applying heat to your hair. Consider embracing air-drying or using heat-free styling methods whenever possible. 

Your hair will thank you for giving it a break from the damaging effects of heat styling.

  1. Skipping Regular Trims

Avoiding regular haircuts can lead to split ends and breakage, making your hair look frizzy and unkempt. 

Aim to get a trim every 6 to 8 weeks to remove split ends and promote healthy hair growth. Regular trims help maintain your hair’s shape and prevent further damage along the length of your hair. 

Following your trimming schedule, you can keep your hair looking its best and prevent split ends from traveling up the hair shaft.

  1. Using Harsh Chemicals

Certain hair products, such as hair dyes, bleach, and perms, contain harsh chemicals that can damage the hair shaft and scalp. 

If you must use these clean hair products, be sure to follow the instructions carefully and consider seeking professional help to minimize damage. Look for gentler, more natural alternatives whenever possible. 

Choosing products with fewer harsh chemicals protects your hair from unnecessary damage and maintains its health and vitality.

  1. Brushing Wet Hair

Wet hair is more prone to breakage, so brushing it immediately after washing can cause damage and increase the risk of hair loss. 

Instead, gently towel-dry your hair or use a wide-tooth comb to detangle knots before using a brush. Start from the end and work your way up to minimize breakage. 

Being gentle with your wet hair and using the right tools can prevent unnecessary damage and keep your hair looking its best.

  1. Tight Hairstyles

Sporting tight hairstyles such as ponytails, braids, or buns frequently can stress your hair follicles, leading to hair breakage and traction alopecia (hair loss caused by pulling on the hair). 

Opt for looser styles and avoid pulling your hair too tightly to prevent damage and promote healthy growth. 

By choosing hairstyles that are gentle on your hair follicles, you can prevent unnecessary breakage and maintain the health of your hair.

  1. Neglecting Your Scalp

A healthy scalp is essential for healthy hair growth, yet it’s often overlooked. 

Neglecting your scalp can lead to issues like dandruff, itchiness, and inflammation, which can affect the health of your hair. 

Treat your scalp carefully by regularly massaging it with nourishing oils, using a scalp-friendly shampoo, and avoiding harsh chemical treatments that can irritate it. 

Caring for your scalp can create a healthy environment for hair growth and ensure your locks are strong and vibrant.


If you’ve been tirelessly trying various remedies yet struggle with dull, damaged hair, it’s time to take a closer look at your everyday habits. 

While clean hair products undoubtedly play a crucial role in hair health, addressing the habits that could harm your locks is equally essential.

If you’re still searching for that elusive shine and smoothness, consider implementing the changes in your hair care routine.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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