Unique Holidays: September 15th

Welcome to our feature celebrating Unique Holidays: September 15th, 2022. Today is Make a Hat Day. I remember when Charlie was in kindergarten and they made hats and how proud he was of his hat. I think I will surprise both Charlie and David who is home from work today and we will make hats in Charlie’s Homeschool Art Class. Would you like to join us and make a hat with us? You don’t even have to come over we can do it on Zoom.

Make a Hat Day– on September 15th

Make a Hat Day is a September 15th a holiday created just for fun. You can design, make, and wear a hat for today and for even more fun put your personality into the hat or, make a hat from a character you would like to imitate for a day.

This holiday is very popular with preschool, kindergarten, and early grade school teachers and students. Early in the new school year, teachers look for fun and interesting projects to break up the classroom routine, or for art projects. The hats can be made of construction paper or a variety of cloth materials.

Decorating the hats is half of the fun. Add feathers, ribbons, or pins of all kinds. and other items you have on hand. Let the kids use their imagination in decorating the hats. Kids, who love arts projects by nature, can use their creativity in making a hat that fits them!

Determine the kind of hat you want to make. Gather the materials. make a hat. Once it’s complete, put it on and take a picture of you in your hand-made hat. Then, put the picture on Social Media.

Felt Hat Day – always observed on September 15th

Felt Hat Day is today which is when men traditionally wear a felt hat. Women can participate in this holiday, too. Like they guys, they just have to have a felt hat.

Back in the early to mid-1900s, hats were popularly worn by both men and women. Hats were stylish. At that time, felt was a common material for men’s hats. With cooler Fall weather approaching, the guys went to the coat closet and dusted off their hats and began to wear felt hats once more.

Celebrating this holiday is easy. Just wear a felt hat which can be of any style, as long as the material is felt. No other hat material will do.

 Today is also Make a Hat Day

There’s no surprise here. If you don’t have a felt hat, you’d better go out purchase one. Then, put the felt hat on your head and walk around showing it off.

History and Origin of Felt Hat Day

We found little factual information about this holiday and we have not yet found the creator of this holiday, nor the year of origin. From our research, we believe this holiday has roots back to the 1930s or 1940s when wearing hats every day was a social norm. 

We did check out the market for hats, as we were uncertain if felt hats were currently available for sale which they are.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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