How To Be A Church Leader While Raising A Family

The Mommies Reviews

How To Be A Church Leader While Raising A Family

Being a church leader is challenging as you have to guide and show the way to your followers. It can be even more daunting when you have a family to raise. You have to set a pace in your professional and personal life to give your best to your congregation, marriage, and family. It sounds like a lot of work because ministry is demanding, and family life is full of expectations. But you cannot let the challenges keep you from pursuing your goals of serving the community and loving your clan. You can absolutely find a middle path to being a successful church leader, partner, and parent. Here are a few tips to stay ahead on all fronts.

Manage your time
Time management is perhaps the most challenging aspect of fulfilling your duties at home and church. You may have to spend endless hours at the church to complete tasks you cannot leave to your staff and congregation. It can lead to guilt about not giving enough time to your family due to your workload. Find ways to manage time, such as delegating
tasks, supervising the staff over the phone, or scheduling meetings for another day.

Set your priorities
Setting priorities is crucial when you are a church leader and the head of your family. Examine your duties to create a list and identify your priorities. For example, you must spend adequate time with the Lord with activities like praying and reading the Bible daily. Your spouse is the next on your priority list because this relationship produces energy in
your life. Your children and the ministry come next. While you must follow this list, keep it flexible to fit in special occasions such as a birthday, an anniversary, or a ministry event.

Invest in education Great leaders go the extra mile with education because it empowers them to do everything perfectly. Consider joining a church leadership training program to enhance your discipleship skills. You can use these skills to produce mature followers in the church and inspire your children to walk on the path of righteousness. Education strengthens your core
and enables you to give your best in every role.

Switch roles
Remember that you have different roles at home and in the church, so avoid mixing them. Leave your pastor aura behind and be a family person when you go home. Your family needs your unconditional love rather than another sermon. Spend quality time with your loved ones by picking shared activities. For example, you can exercise together, cook with your spouse, and help the kids with their homework.

Set your pace Although the workload may get overbearing, the last thing you should do is become a workaholic. Racing with time can cause burnout sooner than later, and it is unhealthy for church leaders who disciple others. Your personal life sets an example for your others, and you should give them something worth emulating. Set a comfortable pace and take breaks to eliminate stress from your life.

Balancing the roles of a church leader, partner, and parent is absolutely doable. You only need to be realistic and do justice to all these roles while investing in self-care.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates