Baseball Caps for me

We went to the Fort Worth Stockyards to walk around. While there I found several Baseball Caps I would like to get for me. I prefer a another style but Charlie thought these would be cute with the T Shirts I wear.

I may not live in the Country but I have always thought of myself as a Country Girl which would be makes this a perfect cap for me. I’m just not crazy about green.

Everyone knows I love Tequila and my family does drive me crazy at times so I knew this would be the perfect hat for me. I should get it for Granny Sherry as well.

David swear’s Tequila makes my clothes fall off like Joe Nichols – song Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off. David says he doesn’t think I need this hat. Bah humbug to David…

I am a wife, mom, and boss which means this is the perfect hat for me. My sister and even granny Sherry and also my step daughter Leslie. If your a mom, wife and boss wouldn’t you like this hat as well?

I found a hat that said Sunshine and Whiskey. I need this hat for the nights we host Wine tasting in our home. I don’t drink Wine I do Tequila , Rum or Whiskey. What would be your preference and why?

We can all use a little Sunshine and when it isn’t around we would at least a hat with Sunshine on it. All we would need then is a shot of Whiskey.

I have always wanted a Cowboy and I love the Rodeo. Next year when I get tickets for my family if I was to purchase this hat it would be the perfect hat to wear.

I wonder if this hat would help me get a real bonafide Cowboy for my sister?

Being a mom it’s rare when we get to sit down. Exercising isn’t something I have time for a lot of times. But even with a 12 year old they can keep us busy. Which is why this hat that says Mommin Is My Cardio is true.

Basketball, Soccer and Walking is my Cardio as Charlie’s mom. How about you?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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