Beets Can Help Lower High Blood Pressure

My blood pressure is up again and not having insurance keeps me from visiting a doctor even though I need to. My nephews is as well and he was able to go to the doctor and picked up meds and has been working out at the gem. For me I’ve been walking outside for at least 30 minutes a day which is supposed to help.

Then I researched foods that can help lower high blood pressure and it says food and vegetables. I love a lot of vegetables but don’t care for Fruit but I’ve been thinking I’m going to pick up a Apple and at least eat one of them a day. Because I don’t like the way Banana’s taste or Oranges even though I love Orange Juice. I could also get Grapefruits I could eat for breakfast, but I don’t think putting Sugar on them would help me and that is the only way I would eat a Grapefruit. How about you/ Do you eat Grapefruits and if so how?

As I was researching food, I looked up Beets which is a superfood which I love and always keep in the Ice Box. Although I am going to change from Pickled Beets which has Sugar to a can with just Vinegar like my parents would make when I was a child as I need to cut out a lot of the Sugar I eat on a daily basis. Which I PRAY helps me drop some of the weight I’ve been carrying around that will also help lower my high blood pressure.

As I was getting Beets out of the fridge this morning, I caught myself wondering how many I should eat each day. As I researched for the answer, I found out there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the number of Beets you need to eat in a day to help lower blood pressure will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

However, most studies suggest that eating about 1 cup of Beet Juice or 1-2 cooked Beets per day can be beneficial. It is important to note that Beets can cause some people to experience side effects such as diarrhea, constipation, and headaches. If you experience any of these side effects, you should reduce your intake of beets.

Here are some tips for incorporating Beets into your diet:

  • Add grated Beets to Salads, Smoothies, and Soups.
  • Roast Beets and serve them as a side dish.
  • Make Beet Juice and drink it throughout the day.
  • Add Beet Powder to your favorite recipes.

Beets are a delicious and nutritious vegetable that can be a great way to help lower blood pressure. If you are looking for a natural way to improve your heart health, Beets are a great option.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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