Best Supplements for Pregnant Women

Best Supplements for Pregnant Women

For pregnant women, your diet is the main source of nutrients for your growing baby.  That’s why it’s super important that you maintain a healthy diet during pregnancy.  By doing so, you can lower your risk of birth defects, miscarriage, and long list of other medical concerns for you and your little one.  

Particularly for pregnant women, there are some vitamins and minerals that are more important than others.  You can track your intake of these vital nutrients using a pregnancy health tracking app. The following supplements are recommended for expectant moms to promote a healthy pregnancy.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is a B vitamin that is needed for growth and development.  For your developing baby, having a diet high in folic acid can help prevent neural tube defects in the spine and brain.  That’s why folic acid is the most common ingredient in prenatal vitamins.  It’s recommended to take 400 mcg of folic acid leading up to pregnancy and 600 mcg of folic acid during pregnancy.


Iron is a mineral used by the body to make hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body.  During pregnancy, iron is critical to ensure oxygen is being delivered to your developing baby.  Your body will need twice as much iron as it normally does to support your little one during pregnancy as it develops. Try to consume 27 mg of iron each day during pregnancy.  In addition to supplements, maintain a diet high in lean protein and leafy greens.


Calcium is a mineral that is vital to the development of your baby’s bones, muscles and nervous system.  If you’re not getting enough calcium during pregnancy to support this growth, your body will take it from your bones and deliver it to your baby.  Make sure you’re consuming 1,000 mg of calcium daily via a supplement, while also incorporating calcium rich foods into your diet such as milk, yogurt, cheeses and leafy green vegetables.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential mineral that the body needs to absorb calcium.  If you are vitamin D deficient, which most of the population is, your body will not be able to absorb any of the calcium that you’ve added to your diet.  There are very few food sources that contain vitamin D (milk and fatty fish), and most of our vitamin D comes from the sun.  Be sure to supplement with at least 600 IU of vitamin D daily to ensure sufficient levels.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are critical for your baby’s brain and neurological development.  Try to incorporate low-mercury seafood into your diet for a natural source of omega-3s.  It’s also a good idea to take an omega-3 supplement daily while pregannt.


Iodine is a mineral needed for hormonal and thyroid regulation.  Hormone levels spike during pregnancy and then drop rapidly after childbirth.  This leads to postpartum thyroid issues in 5-10% of new moms, and can be a cause of postpartum depression.  Be sure to take 220 mcg of iodine daily to promote healthy thyroid function during pregnancy.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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