Blog Elevated officially starts today!!

Today is the day Blog Elevated officially opens this evening. I am so excited. As I never thought I would be able to afford to attend a conference and even though people have found sponsors to help them pay for there tickets I wasn’t sure how to do that. So I haven’t ever tried it.

Blog Elevated

Then poof a email appears and it says you have been accepted as a volunteer to help at Blog Elevated and now have a full ticket to the conference. Please send us which sessions you would like to attend so we can work around it. Also her is a discounted ticket for a friend if you have someone you want to bring.

Which I did think about but since I was working I opted to not bring anyone with me to Blog Elevated. So this is making me even more nervous as I will have to make friends and talk to people I do not know. But that is good as it will make me and not allow me to hang out with a friend.

So at 1:oo o’clock today I will be attending orientation and helping stuff swag bags. Then from 6 to 9 I will be attending the grand opening. I am so excited I can’t site still. How in the world will I stay focused and work until 1 o’clock?

Then tomorrow and Sunday I will be at the conference all day and Granny Sherry will have Charlie this evening and David tomorrow. Which I hate as I will miss them both like crazy. But tomorrow night David has agreed to attend the party with me hosted by Krogers and I am so exited to bring him as he will get to see other men who blog. As I would love for him to help me more on the blog.

Next year since Charlie blogs with me and he will be 8 I may even bring him with me to some of the sessions so he can learn more as I know before I know it he will want to start his own blog as he loves helping me. Plus it would show him I appreciate him and value you him as a partner on the blog.

So look out world once I attend Blog Elevated conference I will be back to “kick butt” as I m sure this will help me become a more motivated blogger and teach me things I did not know before. So thank you God and Blog Elevated for this opportunity. As well as Elle Emme from LM Solutions for always helping me when I struggle.

Here is what I will be wearing to Blog Elevated I just hope I look okay as I wasn’t sure what to get. But David helped me pick out this outfit as I had heard it is cold in the hotel. If you will be attending Blog Elevated Please let me know if this looks OKAY for it. Or if I should go get something else Please.

Glenda purple shirt

Thank you,

Glenda,  Charlie and David Cates

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