Bullying Can Happen In Your Own Yard..

Bullying Can Happen In Your Own yard!!

Today, I would like to share with you something that  happened to Charlie the other day.  I was inside our  home working at the kitchen table, I asked Charlie if he would go get the mail for me. As the mailbox is at the end of the street and I can see it from our living room windows. . So I figured Charlie  would be ok as I can see him from the front window. Only that wasn’t the case as “BULLYING can happen in your own yard.”

So I didn’t get up and watch outside the window like I usually do. Which I regret and will never make that mistake again. From now on I will always be outside when Charlie goes and gets the mail.


Because Charlie reached the end of our street when two little boys ran up and threw Charlie on the ground. Then Bradley held Charlie by the neck while Joshua started kicking Charlie in the ribs.

Only what Joshua and Bradley didn’t know was there was a young man playing basketball who saw what was going on and he pulled Joshua and Bradley off of Charlie.

Which all I can say is God was watching after Charlie that day as usual otherwise those boys could have hurt Charlie very badly. So Please always watch your children and I hate to say this don’t let them outside by themselves as they can get hurt in the blink of a eye. Just like Charlie was.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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