Challenger Sports – British Soccer Camps

Charlie has always eaten, breathed and lived Soccer since he was two years old. We signed Charlie up for a local Soccer team. David coached the team for Charlie, and they came in 2nd place. It was so much fun watching them play and seeing how well they were getting along. I can’t wait for them to play together again.

I knew as soon as I found out about Challenger Sports -British Soccer Camps it would be something Charlie would enjoy. I am so glad we signed Charlie up for soccer as it helped him out a lot. Here is some of the way this sport helped Charlie. It allowed him to learn how important it is to listen and to become more focused on Soccer.

I am so glad we were able to take Charlie because it has helped Charlie become a much better Soccer player and we signed Charlie up for a Summer class at our local recreation center. Charlies coach said how much Charlies playing has improved since Charlie attended Challenger Sports – British Soccer Camps.

British Soccer Camp is the most popular camp in North America – 150,000 campers! With an innovative curriculum that develops skills, speed and confidence in players ages 3-18, British Soccer Camps provide boys and girls with the rare opportunity to receive high-level soccer coaching from a team of international expert’s right in the heart of their community. In addition to teaching new skills and improving game performance, each British Soccer Camp provides lessons in character development, cultural education and is the most fun your child can have learning the sport they love!

I would like to remind you I was given a class from in exchange for my thoughts on this review.  I would want to let you know the ideas in this review for Challenger Sports – British Soccer Camps are all mine and my families and no one else.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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