Charlie & Cousins

I remember as a child always being around family and Cousins spending the night and even moving in with us at different times. Times have changed and family doesn’t even see each other which is so sad. Especially for Charlie who has two sisters Leslie who has Elijah and Ashley who has three boys that are all close to Charlie’s age.

CATES Boy’s COUSINS.. Friends.. Family… Charlie, Jacob, Eathen and Nathan

The LORD stepped in at Christmas when we went to Church with Charlie and my sister. David’s niece Jaclyn Matlock was there at the event. We started talking and found out her son Jacob was just a little bit older than Charlie. If Charlie had gone to Public School they might have even been in the same grade.

Since that event Jacob and his family came to Charlie’s Birthday party then yesterday Charlie went to Jacobs Birthday Part at iT’z Family Food & Fun – Euless. We left to go eat at Cicis Pizza. We finished eating and everyone got ready to return to Its iT’Z Family Food & Fun – Euless. Charlie is very shy and wouldn’t have played with the other kids who happened to be more of his Cousins who Charlie hadn’t ever meet. As they are Jason’s children Jaclyn’s brother from David’s middle brother Mike and his wife Lynn.

David and I asked if Jaclyn minded taking Charlie with her and we would pick up the boys once they finished playing. This way we could run a errand I needed to run. I felt like a bad parent leaving Charlie with people he didn’t know but he needed time with kids his own age. That evening Jaclyn and Brandon dropped Charlie and Jacob off.

Now that Jason is back here living full time and close to us I am PRAYING and believing the boys will get to hang out more because Charlie had a lot of fun with them. I let David know last night that having Charlie hanging out with his Cousins makes me want to reach out to mine and set up a lunch. Because tomorrow isn’t promised and one day one one of us might not be here.

If you have friends or family you haven’t seen or heard from in a while reach out to them because the might be going through something you didn’t know. Or they might need a friend.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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