Play Ground Safety



                                          “This post is sponsored by Voice Play:  Play Ground Safety

Charlie would live outside even when in the Winter when it’s cold. Which worries me sometimes. I’m afraid Charlie might end up sick. I set a timer on the days its very cold. Then we head outside for a brisk walk or to ride our bikes. This is where Play Ground Safety comes into play not only during the Winter but year round.

If you would like to know a secret Charlie and I have been known to be outside in the little bit of Snow we get. You will see us having Snow Ball fights. Or you might even see us playing Soccer which Charlie loves playing. If Charlie had his way he would play Soccer 24/7 if he could.

The other day it was raining and we were bored we grabbed trash bags and turned them into rain coats and set off to explore the outdoors in the rain as we wanted to see what all the rain had washed up.

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While we were outside we played Basketball and Soccer. Once we were tired we got out the hot wheels and sat under our carport and built roads and cities and made up stories to tell each other.

The reason I take the time to play with Charlie outside no, matter the weather is because tomorrow isn’t promised. I want Charlie to have a lot of memories  he can share with his children when he grows up. Now, I just need to figure out how to get his dad to be more spontaneous and do these things with us.

Only David prefers being inside and watching TV or playing Video games which is fine but children need to be outside everyday for at least a hour as they need to stretch there muscles and run.

Another thing we do is we take our books outside and read allowing us to instill my love of reading into Charlie. Which ids another way to get Charlie outside. We climb inside Charlies clubhouse David built him and we take turns reading and sharing stories we make up.

Here is 5 fun things you can do as the weather gets cooler

  1. Go on a Scavenger Hunt
  2. Build a clubhouse
  3. Take your books outside and build a campfire and host a story time
  4. Play Winter Soccer wearing Winter Clothes
  5. Set up a  Relay Race

For more ideals and Play Ground Safety I would like to invite you to check out a website called Voice of Play. This website will help us teach our children to be children and get outside and play more.



Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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