4th Grade “Back to School” Unit, Introduction, Procedures, And More

4th Grade “Back to School” Unit, Introduction, Procedures, And More

Charlie will be in 4th Grade this year and  I have been worrying about how he will do in his new grade because I am afraid Charlie will struggle and not be able to keep up. Although now that the test are done and they have determined Charlie does have learning disabilities. I am hoping the school will get Charlie all the help he needs.

Although I am not taking any chances with Charlie because he is barely on the level he should be for reading and math. This week I have been looking for Homeschooling resources Charlie can use to be prepared when school resumes.

I went to Teachers Pay Teachers this morning because I wanted to see what Homeschooling resources they had for 4th grade. I looked through there website I found the following resources I plan on using and I thought you might like to check them out as well.

While online I found 4th Grade “Back to School” Unit, Introduction, Procedures And More which allow our children to Start there 4th grade year off right, with these fun creative “back to school” activities! This unit includes introductory activities, procedural and expectation activities as well as exciting “get to know you” fun.

From writing a “Top Twenty” hit about the expectations, to alliterating the rules, to a poster competition, or even creating a self-esteem timeline, your students will be fully engaged from day one.

Move away from the same boring and dull “back to school routines and strategies” and spice it up with these fun, engaging activities. No-prep, print and go “back to school” activities!

Included in the unit:
“Get to Know You Compare and Contrast”
“Expectations Explanation”
“Alliteration Rules the School”
“Building Relationships, Getting to Know Each Other Task Cards”
“Character Trait Foldable”
“Strengths and Weaknesses”
“4th Grade Group Poster Competition”
“Funny 4th Grade Charades”
“Back to School Math Calculations”
“A Timeline that Made A Difference”
“Fourth Grade Name Dropping”
“How Do I Want My Classmates to Remember Me Next Year?”
“My Summer Novel Book Report”

Let me know if you have used these types of resources in your classroom. If so what did you and your students like? Was there anything you didn’t like about the resources and why? Is there something different you think I should use to help prepare Charlie for 4th grade? If so leave me a comment as I need all the help I can get.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates