Charlie’s question of the day

Charlie’s question of the day:

CV Question of the Day – What are some signs your friends aren't really  your friends? – Chocolate Vent

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

Charlie says for him its “in a minute” which drives me crazy. If I ask you to do something you need to do it now not 3 hours or 2 days later. My dad wouldn’t let me do that… Would your parents?

David says he says yes, Dear to much and sometimes not enough. LOL Or I will get to in in a minute. Along, with I will come outside to play Basketball in a minute which never seems to happen. Especially if the TV is on.

Rustic Smartest Man Yes Dear Sign image 0

For me it’s quit, stop and don’t. Which doesn’t only pertain to Charlie., but David and the dogs to. LOL Or be quit I am working get out of my office NOW!!!

Because I Said So! - Imgflip

This is another saying I am famous for. Do you use it in your home as well? If so how many times a day. In my home it feels like a million and one times a day.

Thank you.
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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