ChildLife Essentials

 This is a review for ChildLife Essentials who sent me there Multi Vitamin Soft Melts and Healthy Vision Soft Melts in exchange for a review on my website.

ChildLife Nutrition Logo

ChildLife Essentials! are launching chewable tablets called SoftMelts in two formulas – a Multi Vitamin and Healthy Vision – for babies and children. 

ChildLife Essentials! recognized the need for an alternative to gummy vitamins since there a big no-no with the dentist! If your like me you have given your children Gummy Vitamins not knowing there a no, no, with our Dentist.

When I sit down and think about a blue light and how much exposure Charlie gets to it in just one day it blows my mind. From the Computer and Tablets there on not only at home but in school.

With Summer here I wanted to make sure I was protecting Charlie to the best of my ability. I’m excited to be able to have Charlie use ChildLife Essentials every day.

This way when school resumes Charlie will be used to taking ChildLife Essentials and not fight me when I give give him one each morning before he leaves for school.

ChildLife Essentials® presents its newest vitamin delivery format: Healthy Vision SoftMelts™

The Non-Gummy Gummies

  • Better than traditional gummy supplements which tend to be packed with sugar, our ChildLife® Healthy Vision SoftMelts™ has natural sugar-free sweetening agents such as Stevia and Xylitol.
  • Provides an easy-to-chew option with a great taste!
  • Our SoftMelts™ are individually packaged in blister cards, with each one maintaining its moisture, unlike a traditional bottle of gummies which tends to dry out over time.

Parents today are becoming more concerned with their children’s visual health. Constant exposure to electronic devices is a twenty-first century habit, of which the long-term effects are yet to be well understood. As blue-light radiation becomes a topic of concern for parents, children’s supplements should offer the best ingredients for supporting optimal visual system health.

ChildLife Healthy Vision SoftMelts provides:

  • Wild-grown Bilberry Extract is a little berry that packs a mighty punch. Bilberry has a long-known positive effect on vision and delivers strong antioxidants that help preserve the function of the eyes.*
  • Lutein and Zeaxanthin are powerful antioxidants that protect the eyes and prevent oxidative damage.*
  • Vitamin A contributes to the maintenance and support of healthy vision.*

Charlie doesn’t like Fruit and very few Veggies so I knew he wasn’t getting the Vitamins he needed but I wasn’t sure what to do. Now, I don’t have to worry about that as I can have him use ChildLife Essentials! Multi Vitamin every day. Then Charlie will get the Vitamins he needs.

Being a Soft Melt Charlie will not argue with me when I give him the Multi Vitamin like he would with a Pill. Having a Berry flavor is a plus because Charlie loves having Berries when he drinks water.

The Multi Vitamin is formulated specifically to meet a child’s nutritional requirements and just one tablet a day provides all the essential vitamins and minerals a little one needs to thrive including vitamins B6, B12 and D3 and minerals Zinc and Selenium.

While I was looking around the ChildLife Essentials! website I found Toothpaste Tablets which I would like to get for Charlie. Getting him to brush his teeth is a fight and I’m tired of fighting all the time.

If Charlie doesn’t start to take care of his teeth I’m going to take Charlie to the Dentist and have all of his teeth pulled out. Is what I tell Charlie,. Before you ask no, I wouldn’t do that but it’s how I feel. How about you?


By using the Toothpaste Tablets they will help reduce Plaque and the Chances of Tooth Decay. This is for children 3 – 12 years: 1 tablet, 2x daily. I wish they had Toothpaste Tablets for adults as I would get them for David.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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