Christmas Gift Guide 2022: Nepal Tea

Christmas Gift Guide 2022
Christmas Gift Guide 2022: Nepal Tea

Welcome to our Christmas Gift Guide 2022: Nepal Tea who sent me the following Teas White Prakash and Kathmandu Cosmos in exchange for a spot in our Christmas Gift Guide 2022 and a review once the Holidays have passed.

David and I both love Teas just as my sister does. I’ve never tasted White Tea before and if I have I don’t remember it. For Christmas in David’s stocking I am going to put White Prakash which I will be able to try. Then in my sister’s stocking I will put Kathmandu Cosmos which is a Black Tea.

Santa, since I’m being nice and giving Debbie and David the packages of Tea that arrive would you remind them to take care of the pouches the Tea arrived in as I would like to have them to put my Jewelry in when Traveling.

White Prakash

Velvety Flowers

These leaves are plucked while young so their flavors are sterling and fresh. A flavor that is pure and natural, this Tea will bring a softness to your day.

Snowy peaks on a cup

White Prakash brings a sense of innocence to every sip. There’s a light playfulness of the Fruity aromas along with an honest taste of dry Muscatel Grape notes. A hint of astringency gives it a unique end but fits perfectly with the toasty warmth of the drink.`

Fresh flushes for any given time

Low caffeine content in this Tea, brings out the best in a cup at any given time. Have an unimposing conversation with the fresh flushes and enjoy!

For lighter and brighter experience

Use approximately 2 grams of White Tea Leaves (or a Teabag) per 8.5 fl. oz. of wWater at 180º F, steep for 4 minutes

Complexities in the simple joys

Tea lovers delving into complexities within the lighter Tea, will find this Tea delightful! It has also won Bronze Medal in the Global Tea Championship 2019 and many other awards throughout the years.

Kathmandu Cosmos

Ayurvedic herbal storm
A slow yet flavorful rise, Kathmandu Cosmos is packed with herbs and spices. It is a light show you can taste without the noise and the crowd.

Balance of Floral and Spice Taste the fireworks of a myriad of spices like ginger, black cardamom, lemongrass, cinnamon leaves as well as orange peels without getting overwhelmed. Everything is a sweet lull that freshens up the palate for your dreams.

Conversation with self and spices Low caffeine content makes this brew a perfect companion for a before sleep introspection.

Just right The flavor of Kathmandu Cosmos is love at the first taste. Try steeping approximately 2 grams of loose leaf tea (or teabag) per 8.5 fl. oz. of water at 210º F, for 5 minutes

Flavor for the win 2020 AVPA award in Paris in the flavored tea category

About The Gardens

Kanchanjangha Tea Estate and Research Center Pvt. Ltd. (KTERC). KTERC is the first certified Organic Tea Garden in Nepal. Established in 1984 by Mr. Deepak Prakash Baskota to rid his community of poverty the estate remains a model social enterprise.

Kanchanjangha Tea Estate is nestled in the foothills of Mt. Kanchanjungha, the third highest Mountain in the world, in the Eastern part of Nepal. Situated at an altitude of 1300-1800 meters, the Tea Garden enjoys pristine Himalayan climatic conditions that produces highly unique and aromatic Teas such as Kanchanjangha Noir.

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