Christmas Gift Guide Sponsor: Teamotions

There will be a review for “Teamotions” which is inside our Christmas Gift Guide Sponsor: Teamotions. I’m going to split the teas I’m sent to conduct the review on between my sister, David and myself . I know they will enjoy the teas just as much as I do.


I’someone that feels lost if there isn’t a picture of Iced Tea in the Ice Box at all times. I always want a  glass of Iced Tea sitting next to me. No matter what I’m doing. It has even gotten to the point where I do not want Soda just tea. Where before all I wanted to drink was Dr Pepper.

David and I’ve been searching for a new “TEA COMPANY” to join. We ran a “TEA BUSINESS” before I had Charlie I had to give up. I’ve been searching and searching and as I did I found “TEAMOTIONS” who I contacted to do a review for in exchange for a spot in this years “Gift Guide”

I am both pleased and excited to say Teamotions has sent me a letter that they accepted me conducting a review of there teas. I will be sampling 6 teas hosting a Giveaway to one lucky winner so please be watching as I will have the Giveaway soon.

In the meantime  I would like to ask you to Teamotions page called “Our Story” and see how Teamotions begin. As I can relate as I also lost a daughter. As well as my mom and also my grandmother as well who used to bring me “Hot Tea’ or Coke A Cola” when I was sick. So even to this day, this is all I want if I end up sick. It makes David so mad as he thinks I should drink “SPRITE or & UP” which I hate. As I do not like anything with “LEMON”.

Today when I was on the site I saw that I can become an  “Ambassador” and I will be checking into this after Christmas. Although now would be the perfect time to join as I would be able to make extra money for Christmas. So if you are struggling then check out “Teamotions” and ask them about joining their company.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

@Teamotions (Instagram)

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