Collar Press

       Charlie is following in my father’s footsteps and also David’s cousins Don and likes wearing button down shirts with Ties when we are attending events. A lot of time the shirts need ironed, and I don’t have the time to iron shirts for Charlie. Although I could teach Charlie how to iron, I am afraid Charlie would burn himself so it will be easier and safer to purchase Collar Press for Charlie also my father.

                                 Laundry Game Changer! New Product Irons Collar while Inside the Dryer

Collar Press Inc

TORONTO – November 13th, 2018 – Introducing the Collar Press, a revolutionary new product that takes over ironing duties for shirts while inside the clothes dryer aims to change how we do our laundry. Founded in Ontario by entrepreneur Michael Mota, the Collar Press will change how laundry is done for any household with a washer and dryer.

Anyone who wears a collared shirt understands the importance of looking professional which is why taking the time to iron shirts or bringing them to get dry cleaned is crucial. Now, anyone with a Collar Press can save money on their dry-cleaning bills and cut ironing chores in half by allowing the dryer to do it for them.

How it works: Simply snap on the product on the collar of your shirt and place it inside the dryer. The hot air generated by the dryer will heat up the stainless-steel interior of the product, which will transfer on to the fabric of the collar, ironing it. It’s really that simple.

“It can be used in two different ways. You can take a wrinkled shirt straight off the hanger out of the closet, snap on the collar press and put it in the dryer on high heat for a 10-minute ironing and refresher”, says Michael.

Or you can take your collared shirts from the damp washer, toss it in for a regular dryer cycle on medium heat. Bonus is your dryer has a Steam feature which is more common than ever.”

Perfect for anyone who wears collared shirts. Each order comes with 2 Collar Press’ to make it more convenient using two at a time and retails for $39.99 CAD or $34.99 USD available on

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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