This is a review for Cork Pops who sent me CORK POPS-SILVER in exchange for this review.

Now that we’ve moved and are settled into our home and my desk faces the Wine Cabinet I keep saying I should host a Open House. I know the LORD was listening because this morning I found CORK POPS-SILVER which I had gotten for David through a review for Christmas.

I can’t wait until David comes home this evening to celebrate his new days off and his new hours. I have a bottle of Wine in the Ice Box for David to open tonight to serve at dinner. Even though its just David, Charlie and I David still needs to be celebrated.

David love his Beer but Wine has always been David’s preferred drink. If your looking for the perfect Christmas Gift for the Wine lovers on your Shopping List or a cute treat to give your significant other on Halloween check out Cork Pops and all of there amazing Gifts.

David being the man said he would open the Wine we were serving because my hands don’t always work the way they should. I let David know I wanted to try first. I pierced the cork the way it says to and the cork pulled right out.

Even children could get the cork out of a bottle of Wine without hurting anyone. Although, I am not recommending children drink or even open a Wine Bottle. David let me know he would like to purchase Cork Pops for one of his friends who is getting married next month.


Original Cork Pops Wine opener with one cartridge. Each cartridge opens approximately 60 bottles of wine.

* Fastest easiest way to open a bottle of wine.

* No pulling – no twisting – no more broken corks.

* Pierce the cork with the needle – push and lift.

* Does not harm the Wine or the environment.

* Perfect for people with mobility issues.

* Manufactured under the watchful eye of the inventor.

* Used in Napa Sonoma Tasting Rooms!

* Comes packaged with one cartridge which will open between 60-80 bottles of wine

The steps are simple:

* Remove the foil from the bottle.

* Remove protective cap over the needle on the Cork Pop.

* Insert the needle straight down through the center of the cork.

* Hold bottle with one hand.

* Press the top of the cartridge and lift as you feel the cork begin to come out of the bottle.

* Hold on to the bottle and the Cork Pops.

* The expelled cork is removed carefully from the end of the needle and the needle guard replaced on the opener.

NOTE:  All Cork Pops openers are designed for the initial opening of  traditionally shaped 750 ml bottles.  We do not recommend their use on oversized or novelty shaped bottles.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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