Daily Bizarre, Special and Unique Holidays March, 2021

Today is Let’s Laugh Day. When I found this out I had Charlie look up Knock Knock Jokes to share with David and I. We share funny stories from our lives.

Image result for image for let's laugh day

My family sat down to watch TV. We found Cartoons from Charlie’s childhood to watch. David said words like Midlothian which we know David can’t say. By the time we were done Charlie and I were rolling in the floor from laughing so much.

Did you know Let’s Laugh Day is always held on March 19? Now, that you know about this new Holiday what makes you laugh and why does it make you laugh?

On this day your not allowed to be a “Debbie Downer”. Laugh loudly every day because they say “Laughter is the best medicine”. Before you ask there is truth to the statement.

There are Medical studies showing laughter lowers the level of the stress hormone cortisol, which reduces stress. Laughter lowers blood pressure which means I need to laugh a lot. Also, laughter  increases the immune system and your heart rate.

Laughter lightens our mood and makes us happier and laughter is proven to help you sleep. It takes energy to laugh, burning calories helping in my weight loss journey.

Lets explore the different types of laughs. Start with a little tehee while reading the comics in the morning paper. When you pick up your cell phone and go on the internet, look for jokes or memes on your favorite social media site for a few LOLs. Then, move on to the chuckles, haha’s, hohos, giggles, hearty roars, and those deep and resonating belly laughs you get when spending time with those you love.

Don’t forget you can laugh while no one is around and there is nothing wrong with that. But, laughter is best enjoyed with others. Collect an assortment of humorous jokes and share them with everyone you meet.

It’s a great way to brighten your day and those you come in contact with. You can even share the jokes with strangers who may be having a bad day. If you’re not out and about today, make a few phone calls or texts to spread the laughter.

History and Origin of “Let’s Laugh Day”:

I couldn’t find the creator, or the origin of this day or any information but this Holiday appears to have been created in 2017 or possibly a year or two earlier.

Additional Holidays today:

Poultry Day

Poultry Day celebrates chicken, turkey and other birds we commonly consume.

For more information on this Holiday click here:

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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