Daily Bizarre, Special and Unique Holidays – March, 30th, 2021

Can you believe there is just one more day in March? I can’t believe it. Before we know it this year will be over and we will still be dealing with Covid. When will life return to normal?

120 Hello March Quotes

In the meantime I wanted to bring you this mornings post in our series Daily Bizarre, Special and Unique Holidays – March 30th, 2021. Before I share all the Holidays with you I wanted to let you know there is a lot to celebrate this morning.

if you would like to know the truth I don’t feel like I am ever in control. How about you? Are you in control of your life? Or are you like me spinning out of control?


It's Move it Monday - find a way to get... - Optimum Health Center |  Facebook

I am in Control Day is celebrated on March 30 On March 30, 1981, President Ronald Reagan was wounded in an assassination attempt. Confusion prevailed.

In the White House, Secretary of State Alexander Haig was taken a little out of context when he said “I am in control here”. Instead of focusing upon the entire statement, people and the press focused upon these few words.

There was Political uproar which eventually led to his resignation. On that infamous day, I am in Control Day was born. Do you think that that statement should have created a Holiday?

Even though history sometimes fades with time Alexander Haig’s statement was all but forgotten. This special day continues on, and evolves. In the case of I am in Control Day, this is not a bad thing.

People came to think about this day in a different, context. They have made it more personalized into a day to get their life in control. In that sense, today is definitely a call to action.

 I am in Control Day is your chance to get things in order and under control. The first step is to take a deep breath and relax. Assess your situation, and………. get things under control. Once you’ve accomplished this you can work on staying in control everyday. As I work on my life I wish you the best of luck in yours.

National Doctor’s Day after falling the other day and hitting my knee knowing today is National Doctor’s Day would be the perfect day to get my knee checked out. But not having insurance means that isn’t going to happen anytime soon.


Honor Your Physician this National Doctors' Day March 30 - Saint Francis  Foundation

National Doctor’s Day was created to show appreciation to your doctors because they perform vital diagnosis, treatment and care for yourself and your family.

When you are well, your doctor keeps you well. When you are sick, there is no other person more important to you than your doctor. Or at least this is true for most people.

Did you know Hallmark suggests you send our doctors a card of appreciation. Before you ask where would I find a card to celebrate this Holiday I would like to let you know card companies have cards for this event….no surprise here, either!

Or you could call your doctor and simply tell your doctor(s) that you appreciate everything they do to keep you healthy. If you can’t reach your doctor today then make a note to thank him(or her) at your next appointment.

Take a Walk in the Park Day– its a beautiful day to get out and walk. Living by the Park gives my family the perfect opportunity but with my knee hurting I will have to take a walk another day.

But LORD willing if I can get Charlie off his game I plan on sending him outside and I bet you sometime today he will end up at our park taking a walk or riding his Scooter.

How A Walk in the Park Can Help You Financially - Money Munchkids

About: ” Take a Walk in the Park Day” is an opportunity for exercise and relaxation. If you are stressed out a walk in the park is just what the doctor ordered. Walking is calming and therapeutic.

Taking a walk in the park after a busy work day, helps clear your mind and re-energize you. If you have time take a walk during lunch. You will find the afternoon work goes by quicker.

A walk in the park will likely be the most enjoyable part of your day. Make sure to walk with a clear mind. Keep your eyes open to avoid a fall. Open eyes will allow you to take in the beauty of flowers, and trees, birds, and wildlife.

We can’t forget Turkey Neck Soup Day and you can see my post by clicking the link and also learn about National Hot Chicken Holiday with a recipe to make your own Hot Chicken.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

Turkey Neck Soup Day

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