Daily Bizarre, Unique Holidays – April, 16th

Welcome to our series celebrating Daily Bizarre, Unique Holidays – April, 16th. Take a look at today’s Holidays and let me know which one you would most like to celebrate and why.

Mushroom Day

Happy National Day of the Mushroom!

This is a day I know David wouldn’t mind celebrating because he loves Fried Mushrooms. Do you like Mushrooms if so how do you like them prepared? David also says Hamburgers and Pizza should have Mushrooms but I don’t think so. Do you?

Let’s Celebrate Mushroom Day, or Day of the Mushroom a special day to enjoy and appreciate the culinary value of ‘Shrooms. Get into the kitchen and make Fried Mushrooms for someone that loves them.

Did you know Mushrooms first entered the culinary scene in the 19th century,  French chefs first began using them. Since then, the popularity of mushrooms has bloomed.

Mushrooms is a fungus which grows in a dark and damp area. There are over 14,000 varieties. No matter how much you love Mushrooms, don’t go out into the woods to harvest them yourself. You really have to know your Mushrooms, because varieties can be mildly to highly poisonous.  

One thing we know for certain, recipes abound for mushroom lovers. Have a very happy Day of the Mushroom!

Related Holiday: Stuffed Mushroom Day

National Bean Counter Day

NATIONAL BEAN COUNTER DAY - APRIL 16 - National Day Calendar

CPAs and accountants are called bean counters who work hard all year long. When tax season begins, their life is not their own. They work countless overtime hours.

During tax season, there is an endless stream of financial documents and tax forms to be collected and prepared. For them to meet the April 15 tax filing deadline.

When the day after tax season arrives, your beloved and exhausted green visor number cruncher is more than a little bit tired. Frankly they mauy needs a break from the numbers business. In recognition and appreciation of your green visored bean counter, today is National Bean Counter Day.

Did You Know? April 15th is the normal deadline to file your taxes although, if the 15th falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the filing date is extended to the following Monday.

How to Celebrate National Bean Counter Day:

Today is a day for no liabilities and only enjoyable assets. It’s a day of rest, relaxation and celebration. All too soon, the 17th will arrive, and your faithful bean counter will be once again hard at work.

Doing the daily and monthly accounting tasks, filing amended returns, and quarterly fillings. You see, your accounting staff works hard for you every day of the year.  

Give your bean counter a little TLC. Let him or her have a vacation day, and enjoy the day off. Let your follow-up calls and questions wait until tomorrow.

If your a bean counter, take the day off. Kick back and relax. Treat yourself and your family to a nice dinner out. Or, celebrate this day in any way you prefer, its your day. Rest assured no one will audit your activities today.

Bean Counters Favorite Movie: The Accountant (2016), starring Ben Affleck. This is a movie I haven’t seen. How about you?

The Bean Counter’s Extended Family:

People normally think of bean counters as CPAs and accountants. Other number crunchers, often considered bean counters include anyone who is in a financial forecasting, planning, or services environment, where a big part of their job includes crunching numbers. Today is also there special day.

National Eggs Benedict Day

April 16th is National Eggs Benedict Day | Foodimentary - National Food  Holidays

National Eggs Benedict Day a day to enjoy eggs with Hollandaise sauce, Canadian Bacon and English Muffins. Some of this sounds good while other parts don’t. Do you like Eggs Benedict? Do you make them?

A lot of people have never had Eggs Benedict. Unless you’re upper crust, you most likely have enjoyed Eggs Benedict a number of times, and even on a regular basis.

However, people or (regular folk) have never tried Eggs Benedict. Take a survey and see how many of your friends can even tell you how this dish is made, or what’s in it. Then ask them what Hollandaise Sauce is.

Celebrate by eating Eggs Benedict. Which I will pass on but if it’s your first time, we suggest you go to a restaurant where they know how to properly make the dish.

National Librarian Day

Happy National Librarian Day - The Silver Pen | Librarian, Teacher librarian,  Day

Today celebrates and honors librarians who are among the most knowledgeable people you know. When you visit your library in search of a book, or a research topic, they always point you in the right direction. Usually with a smile.

Experts of the Dewey Decimal System, your Librarian aids and assists you in identifying  a myriad of books, and reference material. Librarians hold a wealth of knowledge in their heads. Got a subject your researching? The Librarian will point you right to the book you need.

Celebrate the day by sending a card to your librarian or visit the library today, and say hello and “Thank you” to all of the librarians you see. Bring them a snack.

Related Holiday Events:

National Bookmobile Day

National Library Workers Day

National Stress Awareness Day – is the first workday after U.S. taxes are due.

National Stress Awareness Day 2020 - The Bugs Group

Is your job or school putting pressure on you? Are the kids getting on your nerves? Are you worried there isn’t enough money to pay all of the bills? There are literally thousands of reasons for you to get stressed out. 

For me all of the reasons above and so many more are causing not only me to be STRESSED but David as well. Which is also affecting Charlie which is bothering me a lot raising my Blood Pressure and causing Headaches again.

RELAX!!! Today is National Stress Awareness Day which is your opportunity to recognize there is plenty of stress in your life… as if you didn’t already know. More importantly, its an opportunity to learn, and do something about the stress…… before it drives you batty or worse.

April is also designated as Stress Awareness Month.

Did you know? There was method behind the madness. April 16 was designated as Stress Awareness Day, its the day after taxes are due! 

Note: The UK also has a National Stress Awareness Day, organized by the International Stress Management Association held in November but the date changes each year.

Save the Elephant Day

April 16 is Save the Elephant Day | Elephant day, Save the elephants,  Elephant

Did you know Elephants are the largest Mammal to roam the Earth today. Elephants numbers are dwindling, and their very survival is at risk. Making Save the Elephant Day an extremely important day.

This day is also called World Elephant Day, and its a very special day created to call attention to the plight of our beloved Pachyderms. I wish I could have a Elephant as a pet. How about you?

Young and old, we all love elephants, and there the most popular animal in the zoo. In their native environment their very survival as a species is at risk. Due to there shrinking habitat and poaching.

Poaching is taking a very serious toll, on Elephants because their tusks are made of Ivory and is prized. The sale of Ivory is banned around the world, but it commands a huge price on the black market.

On Save the Elephant Day, visit the Elephants at your local zoo. or find out about groups working to save their habitat,or those fighting poachers, who kill elephant for their Ivory tusks. Support them with a donation, if you can.

Joke of the Day:

Never read an elephant joke while sunbathing. You’ll laugh your trunks off.

Being Save the Elephant Day why not bake Sugar Cookies in the shapes of Elephants and decorate them. Then pack the Cookies and a Picnic lunch and visit the Local Zoo.

Once your back home sit down with your favorite beverage and your family and watch a movie about Elephants. Charlie chose Dumbo for our family to watch this evening. What movie would you chose and why?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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