Discover the Most Common Causes Of Bad Breath

Discover the Most Common Causes Of Bad Breath

Bad breath is never appealing. Most people are not comfortable with someone else’s hot breath being on them, but it is ten times worse when you have bad breath. At best it is off-putting, in many cases, it can be enough to make the other person turn away. 

Of course, this will then have a knock-on effect on your confidence and can lead to you becoming a recluse. It is much simpler to visit a dentist, such as this reputable Alexandria dentist, and have the issue resolved. 

There are several common reasons for bad breath.


A big contributor to bad breath is eating foods that smell, such as garlic and onion. The odor remains in your mouth and will be noticeable when you breathe out. Other dietary-related issues of bad breath can be caused by smoking and alcohol.

All of these factors influence the ability of saliva to clear your palette and keep your mouth smelling fresh. 

It should be noted that the foods that contribute to bad breath can still be eaten but you need to brush your teeth and use mouthwash to help eliminate the smell. Flossing is also beneficial as this removes debris in your mouth which decays and makes the aroma worse.

Bad Oral Hygiene

Another common cause of bad breath is simply not adhering to a good oral health routine. Your teeth are busy every day. When you chew food small pieces will get caught between your teeth and around your gum line. If these are not removed they will start to decay, causing bad breath.

At the same time, the food debris interacts with bacteria to produce acid, this attacks your teeth and gums. Over time it will weaken them and cause cavities. It can also cause gum disease. As with any infection, a side-effect of inflammation is the creation of pus. This tastes horrible in your mouth and is another reason why your breath will smell.

Medical Conditions

There are several medical conditions that can cause bad breath. The most common of these is tonsillitis and acid reflux. If you have tonsillitis you won’t feel well. Equally, you will know if you have acid reflux. If this is the case then it’s a good idea to visit your doctor and have the issue looked at. 

They will be able to tell you if you have a medical condition and help you take the necessary steps to resolve the issue.

A simple Fix

The good news is that, in most cases, bad breath can be resolved by improving your oral hygiene. You should be brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing at least once. An antimicrobial mouthwash can also help.

If you have been suffering from bad breath it is worth getting your teeth checked at the dentist and asking them for tips regarding brushing properly. You are never too old to change your approach.

Suffering from bad breath is not pleasant as it affects many elements of your life. The good news is that you don’t need to suffer alone, there are plenty of ways to beat the issue, speak to your dentist today!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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