Dr. Alvin Berger

I have a question for you. Did you know people were calling January a “free trial” month to overall wellness goals for 2019; but, the effort really begins now. I would like to introduce you to Dr. Alvin Berger who has information for us.

There are a few cautionary lifestyle areas that nutritionist and lipid biochemist Dr. Alvin Berger, who is also a co-founder of LifeSense Products, and is a featured specialist in the web series, “Real Skinny on Fat,” which was spotlighted on The Dr. Oz show.

From simple sugars to diet to exercise and sleep, Dr. Berger outlines a few lifestyle areas to pay attention to in 2019 to achieve optimal health.

4 Wellness Goals for 2019

  1. Diet: Minimize simple sugars: We all love simple sugars, technically mono- and disaccharides. These are glucose, fructose, sucrose, and several others, found in abundance in many foods under various pseudonyms. They are no friend to losing weight because they are readily converted to fat. They are no friend for sugar management because they can rapidly elevate blood sugar, which is terrible for diabetics, and in non-diabetics, results in feelings of low energy during blood sugar swings. Simple sugars are readily converted to body (adipose fat).
  2. Enjoy a Keto/Low Carb lifestyle, but without the stress and extreme regimentation of a traditional ketogenic diet: The jury is out. Low Carb, Keto-friendly diets are healthy for us, and are a major trend in the USA and soon globally.
  3. This is not just a fad, but a new lifestyle dogma. Humans do not have an obligate requirement to consumer sugars, and evolutionary, likely consumed high healthy fat rich, low carb diets. In modern society, it is very challenging to consume a traditional Ketogenic diet (90% of calories as fat), or even a newer fanged ketogenic diet with 75% of energy from fat, 20% from protein, and 5% of carbs. I am still advocating consumption of low carb, lower glycemic index carbs, but it is very important for adherence/stickability to low carb regimens, to not limit carbs too severely. The consumed carbs can be part of alternating meals in the same day. Or, it is feasible to have days where carbs are consumed in more abundance, and the individual can return to a lower carb regimen the next day without need to start the metabolic adaption process all over. 3.Exercise Smarter: For competitive athletes, simple sugars are a great energy source, providing rapid energy for our exercised tissues. However, amongst us weekend warriors, too much simple sugars, can result in sluggish athletic performance, and even gaining weight. MCTs and exogenous ketone body salts, provide for more sustained energy than simple sugars and carbs and this is particularly important for endurance sports like cycling. Even in non-endurance sports like gymnasts and karate athletes, studies showed consumption of MCT oils did not diminish athletic performance, but allowed the athletes to decrease their fat mass. Due to digestive tolerance, some trainers will recommend MCT oils be consumed before and after sports to help with post-workout recovery. It is also recognized that loss of concentration and alertness is a major issue in athletes, particularly as they push their physical limits. In a recent study, MCT oils were shown to improve cognitive responses in exercised athletes.
  4. Sleep better: The lack of sleep in the human population is becoming epidemic. Recent studies show that at least 50% of teenagers, partly due to social media habits, do not sleep nearly long enough. The elderly lose sleep due to loss of melatonin and medications are known to not sleep enough. University students as a result of ingesting sugary, caffeinated drinks and tablets. 

About Dr. Berger: Nutritionist and lipid biochemist Dr. Alvin Berger (MS, Ph. D, Prof) is also a specialist in ketogenic fats with 89-peer reviewed publications in scientific journals and 139 presentations on lipids at technical conferences.  Dr. Alvin Berger has 30 years of research experience in nutritional and pharmaceutical sciences in both academic and commercial settings. He has been responsible for leading teams and identifying research directions to support business goals, and developing, designing and releasing new products. A past NIH Fellow, Adjunct Professor Nutrition, and CEO of Sciadonics, Inc., Dr. Berger is also the co-founder of Life Sense Products, and is a featured specialist in the web series, “Real Skinny on Fat,” where he provides insights about KetoMCT and other ketogenic fats, which most recently was spotlighted on The Dr. Oz show.

Visit: https://lifesenseproducts.com/ and https://therealskinnyonfat.com

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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