Dream, Plan, Do: Coaching by Maggie Perotin: A High-Productivity Journal

I would like to share a high-Productivity Journal the perfect gift for women. With the new year right around the corner its time for me to look for a new Journal for next year and I’m excited to be able to check Dream, Plan, Do: Coaching by Maggie Perotin: A High-Productivity Journal out which I was sent to review.

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Plan out your weekly and long-term goals. Become more proactive, focused and less stressed. I liked finding out there is a simple format with the free video masterclass on DREAM-PLAN-DO Goal Achievement System.

Increase your productivity, self-awareness & decrease your stress. Did you see that “decrease our stress“.. I don’t know about you but I need to do that and soon. If truth were none so does Charlie and David.

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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