Drinking for Two: Nutritious Mocktails for the Mom-to-Be

I would like to introduce you to Kerry, a registered dietitian based in the US. and Diana Licalzi Maldonado, MS, RDN, who co-authored the book, Drinking for Two: Nutritious Mocktails for the Mom-to-Be.

You will find Drinking for Two: Nutritious Mocktails for the Mom-to-Be. inside my Christmas Gift Guide Shopping for: Women. This is a book I will put in my Gift Closet to give to someone I know having a baby.

If I had Drinking for Two: Nutritious Mocktails for the Mom-to-Be earlier I would have given my copy to my niece Alex who was having Twins. Because her and her husband Joe liked to have a drink now and then when she was Pregnant.

About: Drinking for Two: Nutritious Mocktails for the Mom-to-Be

This novel is perfect for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to conceive (or who don’t drink!), Drinking For Two features 45+ delicious non-alcoholic, plant-based mocktail recipes that are high in nutrients with little to no added sugar.

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Our mocktail book is truly unique. Our recipes are made with natural ingredients that may help to combat pregnancy-related symptoms, like morning sickness and cravings. Most of our recipes are made with whole fruits and even vegetables!

Our book features nutritious recipes for flat, bubbly, apres-dinner, and warm comfort drinks so women can still enjoy the flavor of their favorite drinks, like rose, mojitos, and margaritas. 
at Amazon.com Barnes and Noble, Target, Walmart, and indie bookstores.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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