Easter Gift Guide 2023: Vinny Jumps Fitness Rope

As our children get older it’s hard to purchase Gifts for them especially teens which is why I’ve been struggling with Easter Gifts for Charlie this weekend. Charlie has just gotten back into watching WWE and wanting to work out more. But we don’t have his weights her at the apartment. I asked Charlie now that he is almost 16 if he would like a Gym Membership to Planet Fitness and he said no, because none of his friends would work out with him. David works to much and my knees will not let me.

As Easter approaches this weekend, I knew I needed to get Charlie a Easter Basket and had no, clue what to put into the basket besides Candy which Charlie doesn’t eat. Then I received a email from AMP™. Charlie had mentioned he would like a Jump Rope. I went to check out the website and I found Vinny Jumps Fitness Rope which I plan on purchasing this week. Before you ask do, I think Charlie will use it. Lord only knows but if he doesn’t I can and I must if I want to lose weight like I need to.

A Crossrope x Vinny Jumps exclusive. This 1/2 Lb weighted rope is Vinny’s ultimate tool for full-body fitness. The weight in this smooth-spinning rope works your upper body and makes timing and coordination easier for brand new jumps. Then later on I plan on purchasing Jump Rope Mat (Flow) which will protect our floors when jumping rope.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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