Effective flea prevention for cats

If your cat chews on her skin, scratches excessively and is restless at all times, it means she has fleas. Fleas are not only a nuisance for the cat but can also cause serious health issues. You can ease the itch for the cat by using products that are effective and help you control the fleas. The first step is to identify the insects on the body of the cat. Fleas are abundant in number, but they are easy to kill. If you overlook the existence of fleas on your cat, your pet will end up with serious health issues. You need to choose quality products for the pet as they do not come in one size fits all. Never use a dog flea control product on the cat. If you have multiple pets in your home, you need to check every pet for fleas. If one pet has insects, there are higher chances that the other pets will have it too.

Do routine fleas check: First and foremost, you need to check for signs of a flea on the fur of the cat. If you notice tiny bugs on the coat, it is time to deal with the fleas. Alternatively, you can use a metal flea comb and run it from the head to tail multiple times in a day. It will remove the fleas and ease itching.

Take steps to de-flea your home: A flea lays up to 50 eggs in a day, and these can roll off your cat and on the couch, or the carpet and if you allow them to hatch, your home filled with fleas. Hence, you need to take steps to de-flea your home by vacuuming every day. You need to clean the carpet, check the cracks in the floor and vacuum the cushioned furniture. Suck up any eggs present in the house before they hatch. Throw away the vacuum bag once done. You also need to wash the bedding, sofa covers and fabrics at least once a week. Any place your cat has touched will have fleas, hence use hot water and wash the fabrics.

Flea treatments: There are different types of flea control products available in the market. Every product services a different purpose. Choose products that are ideal for your cat and use them appropriately. The flea control products discussed below:

  • Oral flea medications – These medications need to be given to your cat on a monthly basis for the best flea control. It works from the inside out and effective treatment.
  • CollarsCollar is an effective alternative to oral medication. It is used on the cat’s neck to provide for a constant flea preventive flow. These collars work for several months at a time and are conveniently used for the cat. Most fleas infest the collar of the cat since it is a warm area. Hence the collar will help prevent their attack.
  • SpraysFlea sprays are products directly applied to the cat. They can be used like any other sprays and can be useful for more than a month. You need to use the spray correctly for useful results. Be careful that no product gets into the eyes or mouth of the cat.
  • Topical solutionsTopical solutions are liquids which be applied to one area of the cat, and it will last for more than a month before the need for reapplication. It can start killing off the fleas in less than a day. The topical solutions purchased keeping the weight and age of the cat in mind.              Advecta works for large cats, and it uses a fragrance-free formula. It is essential to read the label and understand the method of application to ensure that there is no harm to the cat. The formula is hazardous to humans and harmful if swallowed.

Fleas can be a massive problem for pet owners in the months of summer. Hence, every pet owner should begin with checking their pet for fleas and take steps to de-flea the house. If fleas aren’t treated in time, it could cause medical conditions like anemia and other infections. You can use a white towel to check for fleas or run a flea comb which will help you remove the fleas from the coat. For long lasting and effective solution, you need to use products like medication or topical solutions which are easy to use and will give you peace of mind from the trouble.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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