Expert advice

I know I need to change things in my life or I may not be here to see Charlie grow up. This morning  I thought I would bring you Expert advice to guide you in 2016… Including Retirement Advice.

I would like to ask if you would let me know what you think of the retirement help, I shared with you.If you use any of the information, I brought to you let me know how it worked out for you.

The first piece of advice I would like to share with you is don’t just focus on your fitness resolutions this new year – prep for “Financial Wellness Month” in January by developing healthy habits to last you the whole year.

With middle-class Americans losing 30 percent of their wealth (according to the Current Population Survey, ASEC), there is no better time to supercharge your nest egg.

To become more “financially fit” in 2016 onward, Ric Edelman, founder, and CEO of Edelman Financial Services has tips to get your finances in shape.

Ric is a #1 New York Times best-selling author, host of his award-winning radio show, and #1 Independent Financial Advisor (as ranked by Barron’s three times).

Ric Edelman is available to share his expertise on topics such as all aspects of retirement, saving money in a 401 (k) plan, financial recommendations to make for the New Year and how to pay for retirement in advance

As we delve deeper into the age of distraction, 2016 will continue to present myriad challenges for businesses and brands as they attempt to connect and engage with millennials.

Gerard Adams, millennial mentor, successful serial entrepreneur, angel investor and co-founder of Elite Daily, can show you how to curate and generate content that captures attention, encourage action, and increase market share. Gerard Adams can provide expertise on the following:

Business best practices for millennials/young entrepreneurs, launching and scaling a business, How to Grow and Sell Your Affiliate Business for 8+ Figures.

Be the best leader you can be in the New Year. John Addison, president, and CEO of Addison Leadership Group, Leadership Editor of success, and former Co-CEO of Primerica, can speak to varying topics on leadership and management from his more than 25 years of leadership experience. John is available to share tips and strategies on being a great leader by focusing on improving leadership skills.


Eating Recovery Center is the only national, vertically integrated, health care system dedicated to the treatment of eating disorders at any stage of the illness, which offers best-in-class treatment programs and a full spectrum of recovery services.

Eating Recovery Center experts can speak to orthorexia and other eating disorders, offer prevention strategies and share tips for helping someone overcome their unique issue

Are you suffering? Do you frequently experience jealousy, blame, shame or negative obsessive thoughts? Make 2016 the year to free yourself from self-centric thinking.

One World Academy, an enlightenment school, based near Chennai, India has just launched in the U.S. and has faculty available to share wisdom, enlightenment and meditation experiences to help end suffering for ourselves, our family and friends, and the world.

Begin your journey to enlightenment on January 8 with a three-day workshop hosted by One World Academy at Pure Yoga East in NYC. For more information, please contact Heidi Krupp at or 212-886-6716

Health and beauty products for a better you

Nerium International’s Science-based, age-defying skincare products make resolving to stick to a new skincare routine easy with a two-step system.

Featuring the patented, next-generation antioxidant NAE-8, the Age-Defying Night Cream, Nerium AD® Formula adheres to skin like a mask and works while you sleep.

During the day, the Age-Defying Night Cream, Nerium AD® Formula is a lightweight, yet profoundly hydrating moisturizer that delivers a youthful, radiant glow.

$165 for the Age-Defying Night and Day Creams as a set; $110 for the Age-Defying Night Cream only,

Resolve to eliminate chronic pain for good with MELT Method – the phenomenon seen on The Dr. Oz Show, The Rachael Ray Show and Nightline as well as in New York Times and The Los Angeles Times.

With easy to follow moves and sequences, MELT eliminates what creator, Sue Hitzmann refers to as the “stuck stress,” to rehydrate connective tissue in the body to help with health problems including chronic pain, headaches, sleeping problems, stress, cellulite, and digestion.

$89.99 for the MELT Roller Buddle, includes 3-DVD MELT Method and Soft Roller

Chronic pain doesn’t care whether you’re preparing for a big presentation or training for a marathon, muscle aches and pains never quit when you need them to.

While you may not be able to control your muscle aches, the truMedic Micro-Tens unit can provide powerful pain relief while staying completely out of sight.

Similar to the TENS Units used by doctors and physical therapists, the Micro-TENS unit features a miniaturized design (pocket/purse-sized) that still delivers effective and powerful pain relief. This wire-free, pocket and purse-sized product offers powerful pain relief anywhere, and anytime. $37,


For immediate relief and relaxation that has all the benefits of a spa massage (minus the cost and stranger rubbing your body), wrap the InstaShiatsu Plus around you and experience a luxurious massage with custom heat settings, adjustable pressure, and circular shiatsu-style massagers.

Cordless and internally rechargeable, this device holds enough power for 2 hours of relief and relaxation per session. Perfect for at home, in the office, or on the go, the massager has multiple settings and versatility so it can relieve achy muscles all over the body.

The internal rechargeable battery holds enough power for hours of use, and self-adjusting settings allow the user to customize the pain-relief that works best. $140,

Reading to help you get back on track

Find happiness in the New Year with Live Happy, a lifestyle publication that balances the science of positive psychology with the art of application to help the reader achieve authentic happiness.

The articles offer timely advice and practical solutions for everyday problems and include stories featuring those individuals who are practicing the Live Happy lifestyle.

$19.95 for 13 issues

Make 2016 your most successful year yet! Success inspires 1.3 million readers a month and has a total social reach of 4 million fans. Published monthly and featuring the best in inspiration, motivation, and training, SUCCESS Magazine is your guide to personal and professional development for the year ahead.

$39.95 for 12-months (print and digital) or $19.99 for 12-months (digital only),

Forget everything you think you know about diet and exercise, from counting calories and cutting carbs to working out every day. Fitness expert, performance specialist, and certified nutritionist, Brad Davidson, shares the ULTIMATE lifestyle plan, The Stark Naked 21-Day Metabolic Reset (HarperOne; January 2016), which helps you fix what’s broken – your metabolism – to help you lose weight, gain energy and get back your mojo. $12.50

Get fit with your family and have fun doing it! Celebrity trainer Heidi Klum, Jennifer Lopez, Liz Tyler, Kate Upton and others, wellness visionary and New York Times bestselling author, David Kirsch is at it again with his new book  Ultimate Family Wellness – a book that takes family health to a whole new level.

Ultimate Family Wellness offers a realistic plan that will improve nutrition, health, and fitness while fostering family togetherness. $22.99,


Enter 2016 without an extra “pain in your back.” In 3 Weeks to a Better Back, Dr. Todd Sinett reveals “The Sinnett Solution” – his unique, revolutionary, yet simple, three-pronged approach that works to eliminate back pain by targeting aspects of the body and mind that people have been ignoring. Going beyond structural issues to treat the actual cause of the problem – without medication – “The Sinnett Solution” focuses on two additional culprits: nutritional and emotional imbalances in the body.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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