Fast-Starting a Career of Consequence: Practical Christ-Centered Advice for Entering or Re-entering the WorkforceFast-Starting Career of Consequence

I would like to share a new book called Fast-Starting a Career of Consequence: Practical Christ-Centered Advice for Entering or Re-entering the Workforce by Fred Sievert. I received in exchange for this review.

Once again the LORD has answered question’s I’ve been struggling with as I try and take over the blog with the help of a VA I had been using. Through the VA we was making money for the first time and it was enough to not only help David with the bills but to pay the VA and still have money for Charlie and I do things.

I became compliant on the VA and these clients which was sending in articles turning my blog into more advertising than a site to help parents as I wanted. Clients started to drop off especially the one I needed the most. I found myself sinking into depression again and couldn’t figure out how to move forward.

Then I was walking into the kitchen to find a book to read. As I did, I saw Fast-Starting a Career of Consequence. I opened the book and read the information and found out that it was a Christian book which was fine with me. I began to read the story which the Author had written with his daughter in mind making me miss Suzzie even more.

Throughout the book I found information to help me get back on track as well as helping Charlie look for his first job. Which for the first time in a long time was the blog and asking Charlie to become my photographer. I found that I still loved blogging and wanted to make it what it was when I first begin blogging.


Many young, ambitious Christians are struggling to get noticed as new hires in the workplace today—not only young people, but those re-entering the workforce following military service, child-rearing, or after being furloughed due to Covid-19. These workers may find it challenging to stand out from the crowd while also maintaining their Christian values and ethics.

Fast-Starting a Career of Consequence is the perfect guide for those looking to create a strong, faith-based foundation to further boost their careers. Fred Sievert knows from personal experience because his relationship with Jesus Christ and trust in God were the biggest factors in advancing his career toward eventually becoming the president of a Fortune 100 company. Within Fast-Starting a Career of Consequence, follow the advice Fred gave his daughter as she entered the workforce for the first time. It provides those seeking a career with ten practical and effective tips they can implement to rapidly gain visibility and early success. Fred encourages readers to identify and use their spiritual gifts and apply other key biblical principles as they embark on a new career. Those seeking a career are encouraged throughout Fast Starting a Career of Consequence with relevant scriptural references.

About the Author: Fred Sievert

Fred Sievert started his career as a teacher, later entered the insurance business, and retired in 2007 as president of New York Life Insurance Company, a Fortune 100 corporation. Following his retirement at age fifty-nine, Fred attended Yale Divinity School and was awarded a master’s degree in 2011.

In his career, Fred enjoyed many successes but also had to deal with much stress, many challenges, and even some serious setbacks. Through it all, he credits his success to a reliance on daily prayer, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and his relationship with Jesus Christ.

Fred has had many nonfiction essays and articles published in the past, most often about his own providential and life-changing encounters with God. In 2014, he published his first book, God Revealed: Revisit Your Past to Enrich Your Future.

He views his thirty-five-year business career as mere prologue to what God is calling him to do today⎯write and speak about his faith.

Throughout his adult life, Fred has been active in his church and has served in numerous lay leadership positions. He and his wife, Susan, have five grown children and three granddaughters and reside in East Falmouth, Massachusetts.


Every life is a unique journey, and each of us travels through life accumulating experiences and memories that ultimately impact how we behave in every moment.

Like you, how I will interact tomorrow with my spouse, children, siblings, coworkers, friends, and even adversaries is impacted and altered by my unique accumulation of life experiences.

It’s both an incredible gift and an enormous responsibility to realize that among my unique personal experiences, at least some contained revelations and messages from God.

I’ve shared my experiences to persuade you that God does in fact speak to us through our life experiences.

As you read about my journey, I hope it will inspire you to be on the alert for future messages from God and to ponder your own past for messages you may have initially missed.

The stories I tell are the stories of my journey through tangible life experiences that started when I was very young and will continue as long as I live.

My earnest hope and prayer is that you’ll reflect thoughtfully and constructively on the experiences of your own life as you read about mine—and that you’ll consider the reality that God has been speaking to you in a way unique to your needs.

Every life, including yours, is a unique journey, one that is important to God and one in which He will provide guidance, blessings, and unconditional love.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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