Fentanyl killed nearly 73,000 Americans according to the CDC

This past year, synthetic opioids like Fentanyl killed nearly 73,000 Americans according to the CDC, and right now, Fentanyl is the leading cause of death for Americans aged 18-45. In 2021.

In response to the Fentanyl crisis which is a direct result of our lack of border security, Darius Mayfield, recently released a documentary called “Crisis at the Border.

In the documentary, Darius shows a first-hand account of the cartels and how he actually goes on a foot chase with border control. He also speaks to border control more generally about how they feel about title 42 and how bad it has become in some very candid and open interviews. 

Some other incredible highlights from the documentary: 

–  Darius watched the national guard walk the immigrants across the river to book them at a table.  He was able to interview the people and ask why they were coming. All said- because Biden told them to. A young woman who wanted her baby born in the US ended up having her baby half way into the journey. She had a 20 day old baby in her arms when she crossed the border.

– One of the large family units of groups crossing there was a family from India. They flew from India to Cancun. Border control was highly suspicious of the man and had him separated from his group.

Darius was tracked and followed by the cartel members on the US side. Coming by to play narco music and photographing him and their car. He was also pulled over by local police after leaving the border.

Darius was POISONED and incredibly sick for almost two weeks from a local restaurant in Roma

Link to trailer


He attributes his humble beginnings of living in Section 8 (Housing Choice Voucher Program) with his mother and sister as his motivation to achieve success for himself and all ambitious Americans. As a result of the lack of school choice, Darius brings this matter to the forefront of his campaign, willing to change the education system that benefits the student rather than the machine.

Darius’s motto, “Not Black. Not White. American.” is more than a belief, but a way of life, placing the collective goals of citizens and residents ahead of special interest groups. Darius started his business journey in the auto industry at age 17, became the youngest sales manager of a Top 25 US auto group, and became the first Black general manager in the third fastest growing auto group in the US for 2019. Darius is a self-made business strategist, political commentator, and political visionary.

In addition to his extensive business and political experience, Darius’s philanthropic endeavors have allowed him to co-found Heart-A-Cause. This event series is dedicated to annual marketing and fundraising efforts for local organizations with causes close to his heart. He also worked closely with American Cleanup, a volunteer effort to clean up underserved neighborhoods across America.

A proud New Jerseyan and Patriot, Darius foresees a bright future ahead where exemplifying the change we want to see is second nature.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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