Food Holidays: April 2022: National Salad Month

Good morning, welcome to our series Food Holidays: April 2022: National Salad Month Did you know May is National Salad Month? Which would have been a perfect way for me to kick off my diet I want to begin but is on hold until we move. Then I would like to ask if you would like to join me and we could do a Salad Challenge and have one Salad a day for each day of the month allowing us to celebrate National Salad Month?

National Salad Month

Image result for national salad month

Being in the beginning of the Summer May’s the perfect time to celebrate National Salad Month. The Association for Dressing and Sauces created this event in 1992? I didn’t think you knew that because I didn’t know it. National Salad Month encourages people to add more Salads into their daily food intake. In May, celebrate by turning over a new leaf. Change your eating habits, and let’s get creative with Salads. Then let’s inspire others in our life to do the same.


  1. National Salad Month is all about changing our eating habits. Incorporating a healthier food regimen. This May, take advantage of the holiday and ask your family to join in on a healthy competition. Whoever makes the healthiest changes during the month and has the most visible progress wins a prize.
  2. Purchase A Salad cookbook or look on Instagram and Pinterest for recipes. Or ask your friends whose healthy habits you admire if they have any Salad recipes you can borrow.
  3. Who doesn’t love a Sunday Funday? Which is typically filled with Sugary drinks, or Alcoholic beverages and unhealthy, fatty foods. In honor of National Salad Day, reach out to your family and let them know you want to change things up for the Sundays in May by choosing healthier restaurants that offer Salad options.


  1. American farmers in the 1930s saw a 33% increase in consumption when a Sailor named Popeye got the credit.
  2. Salty dressings generally season Spinach. Thus, the word Salad comes from “herba salta” which is Latin for “Salted Herbs.”
  3. California banned Caesar Salads in 1998 (for a short time) because they included a raw Egg.
  4. Back in ancient times, Egyptians viewed Lettuce as an aphrodisiac, making Lettuce scared to Min, the God of Fertility
  5. Lettuce comes in second as the most popular fresh vegetable in the States right behind Potatoes.


  1. If Kale or Spinach is the base of your Salad, you’re already getting tons of health benefits. Any protein, additional Veggies, or healthy fats are bonuses. Even if Cheese, a fatty dressing, or Tortilla Chips are prominently featured in your Salads, you’re still bound to get some valuable nutrients from whatever Veggies or Protein may be hiding under that all that Blue Cheese.
  2. Salads are known for being healthy, but they also make on-the-go meals a little easier. The chopping can be done the night before, and thanks to Salad containers that feature built-in dressing compartments, soggy leaves are a thing of the past.
  3. You don’t have to feel bad about indulging since Salads are typically a lighter meal choice than Chicken Wings. In fact, the more scoops of Salad, the more Veggies and fiber you’ll consume.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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