Food Holidays: November 2021

Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: November, 2021. It’s National Pepper Month. Which I don’t know about you but I don’t eat Peppers of any kind and neither does Charlie. But David likes Jalapeno Peppers. Do you like Peppers and if so which ones and why?

National Pepper Month

Image result for National Pepper Month

We may take Peppers for granted, but that all changes in November. The entire month marks the celebration of National Pepper Month. Peppers are a staple in many kitchens, and its time to give Peppers which are Fruits the attention they deserve. Get ready, we’ve gathered up celebration ideas that are sure to help you get the party started.

You could find a recipe and make your own Hot Sauce
You only need a few ingredients to make Hot Sauce and most recipes are straightforward. Just stock up on glass bottles and start creating your own Hot Sauce.

Take a Pepper class
Were you will learn about the different methods of growing Peppers as well as how to know the different Scoville Spice Scale.

Create Stuffed Bell Peppers
National Pepper Month is the perfect time to whip up Stuffed Peppers. If you want to spice Stuffed Bell Peppers up a little? Then add new variations of Peppers instead of just Bell Peppers.


  1. Hot Weather brings high prices. Peppers tend to be least expensive during the months of November through June.
  2. Did you know cooking Bell Peppers destroys their key Nutrients. It’s best to nibble away at Peppers beforehand.
  3. Hanging Peppers is a great way to get them to dry out. In some Cultures it’s also believed they bring health and good luck.
  4. Most people are familiar with Red, yellow, Orange, or Green Bell Peppers, but Bell Peppers can also be Black, Brown, White, or Purple. Which I’ve never had. How about you?


  1. Most Grocery Stores carry at least a couple Pepper varieties. Bell Peppers and Jalapeños are easy to find anywhere, but Poblanos, Habaneros, and Serranos are gaining a lot of popularity as well.
  2. Peppers are packed full of Vitamins A and C. Also, Peppers are widely known for boosting the Immune System. Peppers also have Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory benefits.
  3. Whether you love the burning sensation of biting into a Habanero or prefer to garnish your Salad with a Green Bell Pepper. There are a ton of different varieties of Peppers. Almost everybody can find a Pepper that they enjoy.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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