Food Holidays: September 29th, 2021

Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: September 29th, 2021. Its National Coffee Day and also National Mocha Day which is going to make both David and my Niece Alyssa happy campers because they love Coffee and they would drink Coffee 24/7 if it was possible. How about you?

National Coffee Day

Image result for National Coffee Day

While the U.S. and Canada celebrate National Coffee Day on September 29, other Nations mark this day throughout the calendar. International Coffee Day happens just two days later on October 1. The International Coffee Organization has pledged to help struggling Coffee farmers worldwide make a living wage


The History of National Coffee Day seems a bit, well, cloudy and we believe September 29 came about as a jolting reminder to get back to work following a long Summer — even though it’s a full week after the first day of Fall. After all, Americans have turned procrastination into an art form.

On the other hand, the History of Coffee itself clearly goes back to 15th Century Yemen. (Check out Dave Eggers’ recent book for a fascinating look at how it all went down.) For Europeans, they got their first taste about 100 years later — with Venice leading the way. Per the National Coffee Association, it wasn’t a smooth ride: “Some people reacted to this new beverage with suspicion or fear, calling it the ‘bitter invention of Satan.’ The local Clergy condemned Coffee when it came to Venice in 1615. The controversy was so great that Pope Clement VIII was asked to intervene. He decided to taste the beverage for himself before making a decision, and found the drink so satisfying that he gave it papal approval.”

Mainland Europe’s first official Coffeehouse opened in Venice around 1645.

Back in the U.S., if it weren’t for the Boston Tea Party in 1773, Americans may never have swapped Tea for Coffee. When the Colonies revolted against King George III’s hefty Tea Tax, Tea was out and Coffee was in. Things really started to Percolate in the mid 1800s when brothers John and Charles Arbuckle started selling Coffee to Cowboys in the American West. James Folger successfully introduced Coffee to gold miners in California. Upon returning to San Francisco in 1865, Folger became a full partner of The Pioneer Steam Coffee and Spice Mills — which eventually became the J.A. Folger & Co. in 1872.

Other brands including Maxwell House and Hills Brothers entered the Coffee market. A yearning for “speciality” Coffee took hold in the 1960s and a little Seattle company called Starbucks changed everything in 1971. Today the  U.S. Coffee Shop market has grown to a $45.4 billion industry, according to Allegra World Coffee Portal’s 2019 Project Café USA report. Dry coffee sales topped $9 billion in 2017 in the U.S.


  1. Meet and greet at a Coffee Shop and celebrate National Coffee Day encourages folks to shtop for the conversation as well as the Java. After all, that was the original function of Coffee Shops from as early as the 1700s. In England, Coffee Shops were dubbed “penny universities” because for the cost of a penny, one could drink a strong Coffee and find engaging conversation — just like today!
  2. Experiment with a new brewing method if you’re ready to move beyond your same-old, same-old Coffee brewer, it’s time to get adventurous. Lots of Americans swear by the taste of Coffee created in a French Press. Others prefer Chemex brewers, Turkish Coffee Pots, or Cold-brew Drip Makers. Whichever method you try, make sure the Coffee you choose is a excellent quality.
  3. Surprise someone with a cup of Joe and don’t forget to wish them a Happy National Coffee Day during the hand off!

5 facts to think about WHILE fixing your COFFEE cravings

  1. Coffee brought folks together in England, when early Coffee houses, increasingly known as “Schools for the Wise,” became gathering places for intellectual pursuits, entertainment and table games, like Chess.
  2. In Japan, you can soak in Coffee at Hakone Kowakien Yunessun a Hot Springs Spa giving you the option to soak in a Coffee bath, along with 26 other choices including Red Wine, Sake and Green Tea.
  3. Sweden tried death by Coffee — which didn’t work in1746, when Swedish King Gustav III ordered doctors to monitor how long it took convicted murderers to die after drinking cups of Coffee, according to the National Coffee Association.
  4. Coffee Bean is a misnomer — and a Fruit which you probably already know but, to be clear, Coffee Springs from the Fruit of a Bush and the so-called “Bean,” is the pit.
  5. Beethoven was practically obsessive-compulsive about Coffee before drinking his morning brew, the composer, Beethoven, actually counted out 60 Coffee Beans for each cup he brewed. Man on man if I drank his Coffee I would be bouncing off the walls. How about you?


  1. Coffee is a sensory experience which makes us feel good first thing in the morning and Coffee makes use of all our senses. We love that deep brown or black color because the richer the color, the more flavorful the brew. Grinding the Beans and inhaling the Earthy smell as we brew Coffee is all part of our daily ritual. At the end, you’re rewarded with the sensuous taste of a good, strong cup of Joe to get you going for the rest of the day!
  2. You can find great Coffee anytime, anywhere now that Coffee has gone “designer,” it’s easier than ever to get your Coffee buzz on. Thanks to Seattle, America’s Coffee Capital, Coffee caters to people from the biggest cities to the smallest Towns. From the classic Dunkin’ Donuts to Starbucks, you can satisfy your Coffee craving. Get a “regular” in New York City or a Cappuccino in San Francisco. Caribou holds it down in the Midwest and in the South, grab a delicious Coffee at any Waffle House — which is open 24/7!
  3. Coffee is good for your brain and Coffee isn’t just a beverage that perks us up. Coffee actually helps our brains produce Dopamine and Adrenaline, improving our memories. Studies show that regular Coffee consumption can reduce the likelihood of developing Dementia by as much as 65%!

National Mocha Day

Image result for National Mocha Day

Mocha Trivia:

The term ‘Mocha’ actually originated as early as 1773 and referred to a variety of coffee bean. The Mochas variety

Five Facts about Coffee

  1. Coffee is only grown near the equator, from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn, within a 1,000 mile limit.
  2. There are 1,200 different Chemical components in Coffee. More than half of these components make up the distinguished flavor of Coffee.
  3. There is between 80 and 140 milligrams of Caffeine in a seven once cup of Coffee. No, wonder a lot of us get JITTERY from drinking a cup of Coffee. Are you one of those people? I am not.
  4. 400 billion cups of Coffee are consumed worldwide, making Coffee the most popular beverage.
  5. 91% of Coffee consumed is taken at breakfast and sometimes for breakfast.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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