Free Topics of the Week

Kids Discover
Free Topics of the Week

Here’s a week of free topics for you to use in your classroom, If you have used these resources in your classroom let me know what you liked about them or you didn’t like about the resources and why.

How a Suspension Bridge Works

How a Suspension Bridge Works

Pittsburgh’s “Three Sisters” are a rare trio of nearly identical suspension bridges, each painted bright gold. Suspension bridges, unlike beam and arch bridges, have roadways that are suspended from above.


Extreme Weather

Before the Armistice Day Blizzard in 1940, Iowa was the second leading producer of apples in the country. The storm decimated most things, so farmers opted to transform their land to accommodate faster growing crops like corn and soybeans. So what makes a blizzard unique to other types of storms?

The Robinson Legacy

Robinson once said, “the right of every American to first-class citizenship is the most important issue of our time.” Clearly, he was ahead of his time in many regards. See what other impacts he had on society, outside of baseball.

The First Man on the Moon

The First Man on the Moon

As you gear up for the Super Bowl one week from today, did you realize that the first Super Bowl and the first man on the moon happened in the same decade, and only a few years apart? Do you know which happened first?

The Relationship Between Earth and the Sun

The Relationship Between Earth and the Sun

Whether we see Punxsutawney Phil’s shadow this Saturday or not, sadly, neither Groundhog Day nor Phil actually impacts the length of winter. Seasons and weather are affected by the Sun and it’s relationship and distance from Earth.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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