Fusion Fit Disc by Empower

With Christmas right around the corner and New Years here upon us, its time to make our “New Years Resolutions“. My New Years Resolution is that I will use my new Fusion Fit Disc by Empower every single day!!  I would like to be active. Healthy. Strong!!

With the New Year here soon I really want to lose the weight I wasn’t able to lose last year. I am tired of feeling like a “BABY ELEPHANT“. Charlie and David calling me “FAT”.

Even if they are teasing it hurts as it shows how they think about me. Which I hate hate hate!!  I am going to be using the FUSION FIT DESK from Empower Fitness I was sent to conduct a review on.

Fusion Fit Disk can be used in place of other equipment which will save me money that I do not have. Fusion Fit Disk comes with 10 exercises so it gives me different things to do as I work out. Knowing Fusion Fit Disk only takes 30 minutes is a plus. I can get up and have my exercising done in the morning before I get Charlie up for school.

When I put Charlie to bed in the evening I can use my Fusion Fit Disk again before I head to bed. Which means I can fit in an hour of exercise a day and not be overly tired or stressed.

I actually think I will be able to do all the exercises from Fusion Fit Disk and not hurt myself. The only one I am not sure about is the Jumping Jacks but if I try to do them and find I can’t do Jumping Jacks I can double up on the other exercises.

I hope by next Summer with using Fusion Fit Disk and the walking I want to do that I can lose at least 50 pounds if not more. The 50 pounds will put me close to what I weighed in “HIGH SCHOOL” and no that will not make me super skinny or like I lost to much weight as I still could lose more. But it means I will be able to wear “JEANS” which I miss and haven’t worn in over 25 years. I’m way to fat for them!!!

C3 Fusion Workout DVD

The fitness solution you’ll never let go!

Fusion Fit Disc and C3 Fusion workout provide an invigorating muscle CONDITIONING, CARDIO, and CORE workout with one compact tool that can be used as a kettle bell, medicine ball, or dumbbell. This boredom-busting, total-body routine features intense 45-second intervals of movement that get your heart rate pumping while helping you build long, lean muscle.

The C3 Fusion 30-minute workout has been specially formulated to maximize both the weight and design of the Fusion Fit Disc. Throughout the workout, you will not only be using the muscles in your arms, legs, back, and Glutes, you will also be using the muscles of the core to stabilize you throughout every move! It is a true full body workout.

You will complete 10 different exercises, each for 45 seconds and then have 15 seconds of rest. The workout is designed to burn the maximum amount of calories by pushing your muscles to the limits and then giving them the perfect amount of rest before revving them up again!

Follow along with the girls as they demonstrate options for beginner and advanced versions of each of the moves including:

  • Squat with one arm overhead press
  • Sumo squats
  • Jumping jacks
  • Alternating twist lunges
  • Burpees
  • Plus, an abs sequence

Client Testimonial

“I loved this workout. The shape of the Fusion Fit Disc is great! Not as bulky as a kettle bell and so easy to use.” Click here to read more of what Staci B. and other women had to say!

Meet your trainer: Tracey Pierce

Tracey Pierce is a fitness instructor, certified personal trainer, and the owner of Striking Beauties Boxing Gym for Women in North Attleboro, Massachusetts. She has spent most of her career training in and/or teaching dance, boxing, kickboxing, and martial arts. Tracey is passionate about helping women reach their fitness and life goals and it shows in her instruction style which is upbeat, consistent, motivating, and easy to follow.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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