Getting the Most Out of Your Solar System

By Hunter Adams, Co-Founder – Detach Reset Solar

We borrow the Earth from our children and generations to come. That’s why transitioning to renewable energy is more important now than ever, but there are other compelling reasons to adopt solar energy. 

Due to recent advances in solar technology, panels have become more cost-effective than before. Here’s how to get the most out of your solar investment.

The price of conventional energy

The cost of traditional energy from your local utility company is much higher than just the monthly bills you pay. That electricity usually comes from burning coal, which releases harmful carbon emissions into the atmosphere, meaning every erg of power contributes to worsening climate change.

Every year, climate change unleashes more powerful and destructive storms around the globe. Wildfires and droughts have become common, as well as flooding. According to the United Nations, humanity must drastically reduce carbon emissions by the end of this decade to avoid even worse problems related to climate change. However, some climate experts suggest we need to act even faster. 

According to an article in ABC News, “Climate researchers say the most drastic result will take the form of extreme weather events. Droughts are expected to become worse and last longer. Warmer ocean waters mean the number of strong hurricanes is expected to increase, as will the likelihood that they will quickly gain strength as they approach coastlines. Wildfires will become more intense due to hotter climates and drying landscapes. Melting ice sheets will leave some populated coastal regions underwater.”

Indeed, every household should take steps to reduce its carbon footprint, and transitioning to solar energy is an important way to protect and preserve your family’s future. If you’re worried solar would cost too much, believe it or not, today’s solar panels will actually save you money.

Solar pays for itself

Going green now costs 90 percent less than 10 years ago due to technological advances. Yes, the upfront cost of solar panels may still seem intimidating at first blush. Still, you won’t actually have to pay the full cost of the equipment or installation because the US government has recently created tax incentives to help defray these expenses.

Adopting solar power is also an investment that pays off over time. As soon as your panels are up and running, your household’s energy bills will decrease dramatically. Suppose you budget the same amount of money per month for energy. In that case, you’ll be able to redirect a large amount of your monthly energy expenses to a dedicated savings account. 

After only about six years, the total in that savings account will likely be more than the amount you paid for the solar system. Yet the solar panels will still be in good working condition for approximately another 20 years, meaning you will continue to reap these savings for about 20 years. One estimate predicts you would be able to put aside $1,500 per year. In 20 years, that means you would have approximately $30,000. Just imagine what you could do with that money!

Protect your investment

To ensure your solar system pays for itself on time, however, it’s important to protect your investment. That’s why regularly scheduled professional cleaning and maintenance is necessary.

We know how clogged our gutters can get. The same kind of debris — leaves, twigs, and all kinds of other surprising things — can get caught in and around your solar panels.

Just like how high winds and storms can knock your dish out of position, causing problems with reception, the same thing can happen to your solar panels. Even slight changes in their angle can decrease how much energy they produce.

Additionally, we know small critters can sometimes get into our chimneys and decide to nest there, which compromises our ability to have fires in our fireplaces. Sometimes, those same animals may think a solar array looks like an appealing home.

For these reasons and more, professional cleaning and maintenance are necessary to keep your solar panels operating at their best. Technicians will run tests on the equipment to ensure it produces the amount of energy it should. If there are any discrepancies, they can identify the source of the issue and give you options for remediating it expeditiously. This way, you can have peace of mind that your solar panels will pay for themselves as quickly as possible.

Get the most profit in your pocketbook

Savvy homeowners understand that solar energy isn’t just a good idea for the planet — it also pads their pocketbooks. That’s why solar is becoming more popular than ever. To ensure your solar system produces as much energy as possible and get the most profit out of your investment, just don’t forget to have reputable professionals clean and maintain your solar array.

— Hunter Adams is the Founder and CEO of Detach Reset Solar. With a four-year journey in maintenance, Hunter’s expertise is evident through the successful completion of over 1200 projects and active involvement in more than 2000 solar initiatives. His unwavering dedication has earned the trust of 700 companies nationwide, showcasing his reliability. As a maintenance leader, Hunter’s commitment to excellence, meticulous attention to detail, and relentless pursuit of innovation have cemented his reputation as an industry pioneer. Hunter Adams is firmly committed to propelling Detach Reset Solar as a trailblazer in energy solutions with a profound positive impact on the world.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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