Guide To Understanding Birth Injuries

Newborn baby on

Every parent dreams of welcoming a healthy, happy baby into this world. But life is full of uncertainty. Sometimes, babies suffer from birth injuries that affect them for life. Usually, the minor injuries that babies suffer during birth are temporary and heal over time naturally. But sometimes, due to the negligence of medical professionals, babies incur birth injuries that result in a lifetime of disability or even become life-threatening conditions.

Babies suffer from birth injuries due to complications before, during, or even right after labor. There are treatments for some injuries, while there is no cure or treatment for others, and the child has to live with a disability forever.

To help you better understand the causes and effects of birth injuries, here are six common ones explained in detail.

1. Fractures and Bruises

During birth, birth canal difficulties can often cause fractures in babies. Shoulder dystocia, where the baby’s shoulder gets stuck, and breech births, in which the baby is born bottom-first, are the most common causes. This can cause a collarbone or clavicle fracture, which results in bruises and swelling in babies’ faces or heads.

Babies often suffer from birth defects too, but there is a difference between birth defects and birth injuries. Learning and understanding birth conditions will allow you to take necessary precautions when necessary. Awareness is a powerful tool that will help you navigate the difficulties and empower you to take legal action when dealing with medical negligence. 

2. Cerebral Palsy

If a baby suffers brain damage before or during birth, it may result in cerebral palsy. Symptoms arise from brain damage, which affects certain functions of the brain. In cerebral palsy, the brain loses control over the nervous system and muscles, affecting different body parts.

This condition does not improve over time but adds to other health issues and complications. If the case is not severe, then there are a few ways to gain improvement. Surgery, medication, or therapy can improve a child’s life, but nothing can reverse the damage. CDC reports that 1 to 4 of 1,000 live births result in babes having cerebral palsy.

3. Erb’s Palsy

Erb’s palsy – also known as brachial plexus palsy – is an unfortunate injury that can cause a baby to have paralysis in their shoulder, arm, or hand. This injury occurs when the delicate nerves are damaged during childbirth, typically when the child’s feet are stuck in a breech position or when pressure lodges between the mother’s neck or shoulders and the pelvic bone.

Erb’s palsy is common in 0.9 to 2.6 out of every 1000 babies. Some children may recover completely through physical therapy or surgery. Others may have to deal with an affected limb, especially if not treated. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, these outcomes occur infrequently, but it doesn’t make them any less devastating when they do.

4. Kernicterus

Kernicterus is a birth injury resulting from brain damage, but it is somewhat rare. Kernicterus results when there is a severe newborn jaundice case that goes untreated. This untreated jaundice causes brain damage and, thus, kernicterus. In this condition, the bilirubin levels become extremely high in the bloodstream, which leads to the development of toxic levels in the brain. The symptoms of severe jaundice are seemingly no muscle tone, difficulty staying awake, and arching the neck or the back of the head.

The good news is that jaundice is treatable and can be controlled before it becomes severe and causes kernicterus. In developed nations, the rate of babies getting kernicterus is much less than in developing countries due to advancements in medicine and technology. However, it can cause neurological and motor skills problems if untreated, but its effects become milder with treatment.

5. Cranial Nerve and Spinal Cord Injury

During a difficult delivery, nerves or the spinal cord may get damaged. Common reasons for cranial nerve and spinal cord injuries are overstretching, improper pulling, or rotating of the baby during birth. Cranial nerve and spinal cord injuries are further classified into two categories, spinal cord injury and facial nerve paralysis.

Spinal cord injury refers to several serious injuries marked by respiratory failure, hemorrhages, overall weakness, etc. Facial nerve paralysis occurs when there is improper use of forceps on the face of the baby or when improper pressure is applied. As a result of improper force applied to the face that part of the face can’t move. If there is a mild case, it usually resolves with time, but severe cases may require surgery.

6. Vacuum Extraction Injuries and Trauma

Vacuum extractors are devices commonly used in assisted deliveries, and in case of vacuum extractor misuse, there can be serious consequences, like birth injuries. Their misuse can result in almost any kind of birth injury, like internal bleeding, skull fractures, scalp wounds, etc. Sometimes vacuum extraction injuries cure naturally without needing any type of medical intervention. In severe cases, these injuries can cause permanent damage to not only the baby but the mother.

Trauma comes from a similar approach, i.e. when a medical professional uses excessive mechanical force during the delivery. Suppose the baby is positioned abnormally or is too large. In that case, medical professionals tend to vacuum extractors or forceps to reposition the baby or force the baby through the birth canal. This often increases the risk of birth injury.


Every parent does their best to provide the best care for their baby, but some things are simply out of the hands of parents. The medical professional is responsible for a safe and sound procedure during delivery. But sometimes, due to medical negligence, kids suffer from birth injuries. Most birth injuries result in lifelong disabilities or other serious health complications. This article provides in-depth guidance to understand six birth injuries by enlisting the causes and possible treatment options.

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