The Happy Housewife has a set of Free Fall Worksheets

Good morning, Can you believe it is Fall already? As I take Charlie to school each morning more and more leaves are falling. And it makes me want to stop and rake the leaves up and just jump in the middle of them with Charlie. And see who can make the biggest splash. So today I would like to invite you to check out The Happy Housewife as she has a set of Free Fall Worksheets we can use in our Homeschooling class.

So here is a secret from Charlie and I as we have been looking for different colored leaves to use in a art project we will be working on. As I want to make a collage for the dinning room wall. For Thanksgiving so  would have a unique piece of art to hang up that we can use each year. But we don’t want David to know as it is a surprise for him.

With Charlie being braver than I am at art,  he has also asked if we can make some place mats for the dinning room table. OnlyI am not the best person to do Art projects or figuring out how to make things so I need to look up how to make place mats  and see how hard they would be to make. Then one I find out if the place mats are easy enough then we need to make 3 sets of place mats as they would make nice Gifts for my mother in law and sister as well.

So today with us needing something new to do after school Charlie and I will be doing the free Autumn Worksheets before we head outside.  Because these are totally different from anything else we have done this year.

Now I thought you might want to check out the Free Fall Worksheets as well. So Please stop by the Happy Housewife and also Life of A Homeschool Mom and  take a look at the “Free Fall Worksheets.”  And let her know we appreciate the worksheets she creates for us to use.

And if you have anything for Fall or Autumn you are using in your classroom Please leave me a link to it so Charlie and I can check it out. Or if you know someone who does leave me a link so I can send them a Blogger Shout Out on here.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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