Henry’s Big Star Adventure By Scott Schumaker

As a mom of a very active 9 year old boy. I can’t tell you how many times a day I tell Charlie not to run inside the house. Only Charlie isn’t chasing cats but dogs. Otherwise Henry’s Big Star Adventure By Scott Schumaker could have been written about Charlie. As I can even hear Charlie calling himself a idiot and I have corrected him numerous times about that.

I knew Henry’s Big Star Adventure would be the perfect book to add to our library because I could see Charlie would be able to read Henry’s Big Star Adventure written by Scott Schumaker on his own. I knew once Charlie shares Henry’s Big Star Adventure with his friends that they would enjoy Henry’s Big Star Adventure just as much as Charlie and I did.

I can’t wait till until Charlie returns to school as he wants to share Henry’s Big Star Adventure with his classmates. As well as the librarian as he thinks she should order Henry’s Big Star Adventure to keep in the library. If  you ask me I agree with Charlie as both boys and girls would enjoy Henry’s Big Star Adventure a lot.

As Charlie and I thumbed through Henry’s Big Star Adventure I could see Charlie was enjoying the illustrations a lot. Once we finished reading Henry’s Big Star Adventure  Charlie got out his art supplies and redrew some of the pictures for his room. Which excited me as this meant he enjoyed Henry’s Big Star Adventure and what he learned inside the story.

I would like to thank Scott Schumaker for writing Henry’s Big Star Adventure and also for sending Charlie and I copy of Henry’s Big Star Adventure to read and review as well as place inside this years Holiday Gift Guide. Finding new Authors my family enjoys is a huge plus for us as it helps me get both David and Charlie interested in reading.

Scott Schumaker

Scott Schumaker found some of his own stars when he was in Utah’s Canyon lands and Peru’s Amazon jungle. He would like to thank his wife and best friend, Tiffanie, for her editing, her never-ending support and her love. He is the managing partner of Bright Antenna Records and lives in Mill Valley, CA with Tiffanie and their dog, Dizzy.


Henry’s Big Star Adventure


Thank you for taking the time to read ” Henry’s Big Star Adventure  By Scott Schumaker“. Now, I have a question for you have you read this book or has your children? If so what did they think of it and why?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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