#HGG Sponsor YourNovel.com has joined us!!

YourNovel.com is a personalized storybook about you and your significant other. I like that you get to submit the details for your own YourNovel.com and you can make it mild or meek. I always choose meek as we have our son in our home and I wouldn’t want him to pick up YourNovel.com and find things in it Charlie shouldn’t know about.

National Sponsor

There are so many books that you can shop YourNovel.com  and not run out of books to choose from. I think YourNovel.com would make nice Gifts to give as Wedding Gifts and also for Valentines Gifts for the special someone if your life. But for me personally, I would purchase YourNovel.com anytime at all as I like the storylines and be knowing it is about David and me.

Even though we may not be able to do all of the things in the book we can pretend by having YourNovel.com written about us. As we are able to pick things only David and I would know. Which makesYourNovel.com a one of a kind Novel.

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If you would like to know more about YourNovel.com then you can check them out at:

Star in your own personalized romance novel

Couples take on the starring roles as hero/heroine in any of our 50+ adventure romance novels and eBooks. Settings offer something for everyone – beaches, cruises, exotic, vampires, detectives & more. Fun & campy, it’s a great one-of-a-kind gift or keepsake. Choose “Categories” to narrow in on yours. There’s the option of adding a photo to the cover or making your photo the book’s full front cover.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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