Homeschool Blogger Shoutout Renee at Great Peace

As we begin a new week I wanted to share our Homeschool Blogger Shoutout with you. I will be featuring Renee from Renee at Great Peace. As you take a look at her blog, you will see she shares the following items Life, Family, Homeschool, Extras and her Shop.

I was looking through her website this morning, this article LEGO® Learning with Play Bricks caught my eye, and I wanted to share it with you. Because like all children Charlie has a room full of Lego’s. Charlie may be different than your children as he doesn’t even play with them. So I thought If we could incorporate them into our curriculum it would be the perfect way to use ours.

Charlie has been struggling with his multiplication tables, and we can’t get past the six’s for some reason. This morning as I looked through her website I found Multiplying with LEGO Bricks, and I plan on trying this out with Charlie this week, and I hope he can catch on.

Hey there,
I’m so glad you’ve found your way here. I’m Renée a Christian, wife, homeschool mom and a seeker of peace. I share tips, resources, and information for helping you to also find peace in life, marriage, and motherhood.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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