Homeschool Resource: Early 20th Century in the U.S.

I thought I would share Homeschool Resources; Early 29th Century in the U.S. I can’t wait to see what Charlie finds out as he researches this decade. Is there anything special you think Charlie and I should look up.

Image result for image from the 20th century

Here is a few of the things that happened in the 20th Century: 20th century – electricity, telephones, radios, lightbulbs, even the motors that power cars and planes.

Hands-On History: 20th Century Study

Turn of the Century
What was the country like over a hundred years before you were born
New Inventions
Take a look at where some familiar machines got their start.

Cars and Cities  Why are cars so important? How did they get so popular?

World War I  Follow this timeline of events to learn what led up to the declaration of war.

Post-World War I America Women, African Americans, and workers were restless for the rights they deserved.

The Roaring ‘20s  The country sped forward.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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