Homeschool Resources: Math Workbooks and Games

How are you today? I wanted to share Homeschool Resources: Math Workbooks and Games Charlie and I use for math. I’ve even included online resources for Math.

Homeschooling Resources Math Lessons

These resources offer free worksheets and games for the children to use. Follow along with me as we go through a few new Homeschool Resources for Math. Then come and share with us what you use in math.

Daily Warm-Ups: Math, Grade 2

TCR3960 Daily Warm-Ups: Math, Grade 2 Image

One of the workbooks we use daily is Daily Warm-Ups: Math, Grade 2 and I like that it is fast and painless. Each day there is just 2 questions for the children to answer. I try and spend at least 20 minutes a day on math we use this workbook a lot as a filler.


Each book in the Daily Warm-Ups: Math, Grade 2 series provides students with quick, easy, effective activities that will help students improve their math skills. The content is correlated to the Common Core State Standards.

Each book is divided into five sections:

  • Numbers and Numeration
  • Operations
  • Measurement and Geometry
  • Graphs, Data and Probability
  • Algebra, Patterns and Functions

Adding one daily warm-up a day to the classroom schedule or at home gives students the practice they need to improve their math skills.

Spectrum Math Grade 2

Another workbook Charlie likes using is Spectrum Math Grade 2 containing different sections for the students as well as Pre-Test and Post-Test which Charlie and I do on Fridays. If Charlie hasn’t mastered what we were learning through the week we work on it the following week. By finding free worksheets online and then I have him retake the tests and we see if he does better. I ask Charlie to get at least an 80 on any test or to redo the pages he did. Which he has been doing without a fight.

We do have other math workbooks that we can work in if he doesn’t want to use the two above. But I thought this would give you a look at a couple things we use. If you have questions on either workbook, I would be more than happy to answer the questions for you.

If we want to do something online, I’ve used and Charlie loves does cost although sometimes offer a free 30-day trial period. If you search online, you will find a lot of free sites for math resources. Which can even be games like Starfall a site Charlies teacher and Charlie both shared with me. There are free games they can play yon Starfall along with a paid site for Homeschoolers. I’ve only used the free site.

I would also like to share a new site I found with you through Clickschooling  Super Teacher Worksheets. There is both a free site as well as a paid section. I browsed Super Teacher Worksheets this morning and I found quite a few worksheets Charlie and I will be using.

As I looked on Super Teacher Worksheets this morning, I saw a free worksheet on counting and it is for Nickles, which is free. I will be printing Nickles out this afternoon because Nickles is something Charlie gets confused with quarters. We can get out the change we keep for school and work on this worksheet as well as some other worksheets I found on Super Teacher Worksheets.

If it is a day where Charlie and I just want to do something fun and unusual we can go into the kitchen and cook something because Charlie will use math in cooking. As well as reading. As you sit down with your students to teach them remember that there are no set rules in Homeschool. You can do the things you and your family enjoy. You do not have to stick to workbooks or online math classes.

There is a lot of apps you can download onto your phones and Tablets that will allow your students to learn math. This way our children are not always stuck at the dining room table. Using cooking is fun and different from what the children in the schools do. If your child wants to teach you let them, Charlie has taught me so much about math that I didn’t know and its nice as I’m learning right beside Charlie.

The last thing I would like to let you know we use for math is Board Games that have counting in the games. Including Monopoly and Yahtzee as well as make up our own games. We play cards and use Flash Cards as well. Math can be fun if you take the time to make it that way. As you can go outside count rocks or leaves and use them in multiplication, adding and subtracting.

I would like to remind you this post contains affiliate links. If you click on the links and you make a purchase, I will make a small percentage off the sale.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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