#HomeschoolWithBoardGames: Fort Worth On Board

This week Charlie has chosen for our #HomeschoolWithBoardGames: Fort Worth on Board which Charlie’s grandmother Sherrie picked up for me to add to my Monopoly collection.

Have you heard of Fort Worth On Board and if so have you played this Board Game? If not would you want to play Fort Worth On Board and why or why not?

Game Board (With Permission of Help on Board)

Fort Worth On Board is a Monopoly clone based on the Texas City. Board squares are replaced with landmarks and businesses from the area. Proceeds from the game go to benefit the YWCA Forth Worth & Tarrant County.


Set the Board Game up. Then have everyone chose the Token they would like to be. Read the instructions to the players. Ask them questions about the game once you finish to make sure they understand what is going to happen and why. Have them ask you questions about what is going to happen and why.


Fort Worth On Board, Stockyards Station, Proceeds to Benefit, Eliminating Racism, Empowering Women, YWCA, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Real Estate Trading Game, Players, Ages, Adults, Sale, Restaurant, Financial Institute, Jewelry Store, Trading Game, Celebrates, Businesses, Attractions, Traditions, Where the West Begins, Proceeds, Critical Services, Women

Write the Spelling Words inside your Spelling Journal. Include a definition of each word.

Math Class.

Pass out the Money to each player. Add how much money each person is receiving. When you get the answer use the money to create 5 math problems for someone in your home to work out. Have one of the players or family members create 5 math problems for you to work out.

Art Class:

Using the information in the Game create a piece of Art showcasing one thing you would like to see in person. Include a description of why you would want to visit that attraction in your Art Journal.

Drama Class:

Act out a scene that happened in the Game. Make sure you describe what your acting out and why. Include the description in your Drama Journal.

Music Class:

Create a Song or Journal that could be used in a Commercial. Perform the song/ Jingle for the people playing the Game. Right the song/ jingle inside your Music Journal.

Cooking Class:

Create a recipe based on the Game that can be served while playing Fort Worth on Board. Write the recipe inside your cooking journal that will be turned into a recipe book at the end of the year.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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