How Can You Inculcate A Culture Of Prayer In Your Family?

How Can You Inculcate A Culture Of Prayer In Your Family?

Have you been trying to bring a better prayer routine to your family but struggle to be consistent? It is often a challenge to make time for prayer if your day is crowded with calendar events and meetings. This blog is for all the parents who wish to help their kids build a close bond with God through prayer. Here are five ways that the entire family can live more prayerfully.

  1. Invest time in teaching good values: People often mistake prayers being an exclusive practice, but it involves teaching the values of being a good person too. Helping your children learn why we pray and how to pray are two of the most intrinsic processes that will define their characteristics as they grow.
  1. Lean on the practices of holy people: The teachings of holy people are highly valued because they have dedicated their lives to the cause of  God. It is hence a great practice to lean on their teachings and support to help you improve your prayerfulness. When you have any special occasion, make sure to offer intentional prayers with the Wyoming Carmelites so that they can remember you in their prayer sessions. This also brings a feeling of being spiritually guided which can help the family a step further.
  1. Integrate prayers into important occasions: All of us have important dates and days like exams, interviews, birthdays, anniversaries, and others. However, the anxiety or excitement of it may completely wipe out the need to seek God’s blessings before embarking on the venture. Make sure that you inculcate the habit of praying for all your intentions before such events as a united family. This will also help you bond with each other and be more emotionally invested.
  1. Pray before meals and bedtime: One of the best times to pray is right before bedtime and after waking up in the morning. While praying before sleeping creates a healthy outlet to remove any negative thoughts and emotions from the day, it also helps your family members do a quick recap of how they utilized their time.  Not only does this supplement the overall productivity of your family as individuals, but it can also help them see the big picture after a long day. Praying after waking up sets the tone for the day, helping you turn a new page.
  1. Create a positive relationship with prayer: Most of us remember praying only when we face trials and tribulations. However, this relationship with prayer can be harmful in the long run, only creating a negative affirmation with such healing energy. Instead, teach your children to pray consistently in a conversational manner. Reaching out to god just to talk about the day’s events, creates a better relationship, helping them be regular in their religious routine. Remember that children do as they see and not as much when they are told, so demonstrate these habits to create their habits.

Wrapping Up:

Now that you know how to integrate prayers into your daily life, which step will you start with first? If you need more help, make sure to browse through the rest of our prayer-based blogs!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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