How To Choose A Paediatrician For Your Child In Singapore

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There is little more rewarding on this earth than raising a child. Sure, there are going to be times when they seem like bottomless pits of need, but when they succeed in life and apply what you have taught them it will be truly gratifying. That being said throughout the journey of parenthood there are going to be many decisions that you have to make for your child before he or she can start making their own. One such decision will be choosing a paediatrician. And, this will by no means be an easy decision.  This is especially true in Singapore because more and more clinics are popping up every day.

Choose A GP or PD

In Singapore when your child is born he or she will be assigned a PD by the birthing hospital. Paediatrician or PDs are simply doctors that specialize in the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. Most of these doctors will care for the same child from birth to their teenage years. Now, it is entirely up to you if you want to stick with this doctor or opt of a general practitioner or GP. GPs are family doctors that are pretty much capable of overseeing the general health of your entire family.

Consider The Cost

When you are choosing a reputable paediatric centre in Singapore, you will always have to consider the cost. A PD will, of course, set you back more money because they are specialists. If you have to purchase antibiotics or other special medications, you can expect to pay even more. In addition to this, GPs generally rely on a standardized list of medications, which means they might not even be able to offer what your child needs.

Get Recommendations

Every parent wants the best for their children. When they are sick, they expect nothing but the best health care services. Finding a paediatrician is really not that difficult. But, if you want to ensure successful results, it would be best to start with family, friends, co-workers and other close acquaintances. Ask for recommendations from these individuals. So, you can utilize the information to make the right choice.

Conduct An Online Search

Another effective way to find the best paediatricians living in your area is to conduct an online search. Just search for local paediatrician in whatever city or town you live in. In a few seconds, a list of doctors will appear on your computer screen. Pick a few names from the list and follow up with extensive research. What you should look for is information about the licenses, credentials, tenure, health care affiliations and practice. When you collect all the information you need, it would be a good idea to make a comparison.

Make A Few Phone Calls

You can generally tell a lot about a paediatrician practice by making a few phone calls. Call the pediatrician’s office and ask to speak with a nurse or nursing assistance. From there, you should try to get into contact with the paediatrician. If the paediatrician is willing to take your call that is a good sign. But, it isn’t enough to determine if he or she is a runs a good medical practice.

While you have the paediatrician on the phone, you should ask about their qualifications, education and service history. Do not stop until you feel totally comfortable with the paediatrician of your choice.

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