How to get necessary nutrients on a Vegan diet?

How to get necessary nutrients on a Vegan diet?

Vegans avoid every kind of animal product, such as dairy, eggs and meat. They don’t eat anything that is obtained from animals, including honey and gelatin. Remember, veganism is not complicated because you will have several food choices.

People prefer vegan for ethical, environmental and health reasons. Strict vegans avoid every product obtained from animals, such as wool, silk, fur or leather. They avoid certain cosmetics and soaps with animal content.

Several people have a misconception that a vegan diet can cause a deficiency of nutrients in the human body. Remember, you can avoid this situation by following a well-planned diet. A vegan diet allows you to enjoy a healthy and longer life. You have to focus on these nutrients in your
vegan diet.


Protein is essential for the human body. Your organs, muscles, bones and skin need protein to maintain its health. Without dairy and meat, you will still need essential amino acids. You can obtain protein from nuts, seeds, legumes, grains and peanut butter.

Soymilk and tofu are popular non-animal products to provide protein. Fortunately, vegan protein supplements are available in the market. Feel free to visit EZ Organic Shop for sunwarrior vegan protein. Vegans need complete protein containing essential amino acids for your body needs. It will help you to maintain the metabolism of your body.


Iron is essential to produce red blood cells. These cells prove helpful to carry oxygen in your
body. Remember, broccoli, beans, tofu, and wheat and raisins are a good source of iron. Iron-
fortified cereals are available to provide iron to your body.
Remember, non-meat sources of iron are difficult to digest. Make sure to eat foods with plenty
of vitamin C, including broccoli and oranges. These will help your body to absorb iron.


To build strong bones, you will need calcium. Moreover, you can prevent osteoporosis with calcium. Osteoporosis can make your bones weak and cause them to break. Your body needs calcium, and you can obtain it from bokchoy, kale, and broccoli. Drink juices and fortified soymilk because it is an excellent source of calcium. Moreover, calcium supplements are available.

Vitamin D

For your bone health, vitamin D is essential. It allows your body to promote the growth of bones and absorb calcium. The human body produces vitamin D in response to sunlight. You must spend ten minutes in the sun for almost 3 – 4 times per week. If you are living in an area with lots of sunlight, you can get sufficient vitamin D from the sun. Make sure to sit safely in the sun. Moreover, you can use fortified products, such as cereals,
rice milk and soymilk.

Vitamin B12

It is necessary to prevent anemia and produce red blood cells. Remember, vitamin B12 is
available in shellfish, meat, dairy products and fish. You can eat products with vitamins, such as
cereals and soymilk.
Moreover, zinc is vital for your immune system, and you can get it from nuts, soy products and
beans. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for your brain and heart. You can obtain them from
two sources, such as oil and flaxseed meal.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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