How To Make CBD Chocolate Chip Cookies

How To Make CBD Chocolate Chip Cookies

With the ever-so growing popularity of CBD, it is no wonder that users worldwide are excited to try cannabidiol in the many different forms available today. CBD edibles are the tastiest and easiest way to dose on cannabinoids while masking the earthy, bitter taste of cannabis using flavorful and aromatic ingredients. 


Dosing On CBD Edibles

So what makes CBD edibles unique? Well, apart from the enchanting combination of flavors these edibles add to cannabis, they offer several advantages over other means of dosing on CBD. 

CBD edibles offer simple ways to induce precise doses of cannabinoids. They are easy to include in your daily routine as you can make them a part of your diet. For example, you can snack on CBD edibles or cookies on the go, making it easy to consume your daily recommended dosage of cannabidiol. You can have these cookies with your loved ones and can also give them a glass rose tube.

Cannabis Baking

While markets are filled with a wide variety of CBD edibles, CBD cooking is also becoming an increasingly popular hobby. There are subtle ways of adding the cannabinoid to your recipes, such as through oils, tinctures infused ingredients like honey, butter. Thus, the scope for experimenting with CBD in your kitchen is vast and enthralling. 

CBD baking especially can be an exciting experience. Nothing beats the feeling of biting into a warm, perfectly golden, crispy cookie brimming with melted chocolate chips. So, here we will explore some simple CBD infused chocolate chip cookies recipes you can try at home that will blow away your mind. 

CBD Chocolate Chip Cookies

This simple homemade CBD chocolate chip cookie recipe is the perfect snack to enjoy a relaxing evening


What You Need

1 – cup flour

1 – cup sunflower oil or butter

¾ – cup of sugar

1 – cup chocolate chips

¼ – teaspoon salt

½ – teaspoon baking powder

½ – teaspoon vanilla extract

1 – freshly beaten egg 

2 – tablespoon CBD oil (Recommended strength)

How To Prepare

  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  2. Add the salt, flour, and baking soda to a large bowl and mix thoroughly.
  3. In a small bowl, add sugar and butter and beat into a light and fluffy cream using a hand beater. 
  4. To it, add the egg, vanilla extract, and CBD oil (as per required dosage) and blend again till they mix well. 
  5. Combine contents from step 2 and step 4 and stir the ingredients well. 
  6. When the dough is ready, add the chocolate chips and mix properly. 
  7. Create small dough balls and place them on a greased baking sheet. Gently flatten them for baking. 
  8. Bake the cookies for about 10 minutes and remove them from the oven. 
  9. Transfer the cookies to an airtight jar when they are entirely cool to store. 

2. Vegan CBD Chocolate Cookies

Explore this vegan CBD infused chocolate chip cookie recipe that is a delicious and cruelty-free treat to relish. 


What You Need

1 – cup of coconut sugar 

1 – teaspoon salt 

1 – teaspoon vanilla extract

½ – cup almond milk 

2 – cups almond flour 

1 – tablespoon vanilla extract

½ – cup CBD-infused butter 

½ – tablespoon baking soda 

2 – cups chocolate chips

How To Prepare

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  2. In a large bowl, add coconut sugar, salt, and butter and whisk into a smooth paste. 
  3. Add the milk and vanilla extract and mix till the sugar completely dissolves to create a smooth batter. 
  4. In another bowl, sift in the flour and add baking soda to it. Mix well. 
  5. Add the dry mixture from step 4 to the wet mixture from step 3. 
  6. Use a spatula to combine the ingredients into a dough. 
  7. Add the chocolate chips and mix them evenly into the dough. 
  8. Chill the dough for about 30 minutes. 
  9. Scoop small dough balls and gently flatten them on a greased baking sheet. 
  10. Bake the cookies for about 15 minutes. Remove the tray from the oven and let it cool. 
  11. Transfer the cookies into an air-tight jar and store them. 

3. Nutty CBD Chocolate Chip Cookies 

Try this extraordinary nutty chocolate chip cookie recipe brimming with the goodness of CBD, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds.


What You Need

½ – cup all-purpose flour

2 – cups chocolate chips

1 – cup unsalted butter 

1/4 – cup granulated sugar 

1/4 – cup brown sugar

1 – teaspoon salt 

2 – egg yolks

½ – tablespoon vanilla extract 

¼ – teaspoon baking powder

2 – tablespoons CBD oil (Recommended strength)

½ – cup mixed nuts 

1 – teaspoon chopped Brazilian nuts 

1 – tablespoon flaxseed

1 – tablespoon pumpkin seeds

How To Prepare

  1. Preheat your oven to around 350 degrees and then grease a pan with butter or oil. 
  2. Add the butter and sugars to a large bowl and stir into a creamy mixture.  
  3. Add the egg yolk, vanilla essence, CBD oil and mix thoroughly.
  4. Finally, add the flour, baking powder, and salt and whisk the ingredients into a smooth paste. 
  5. To this mixture, add the chocolate chips, nuts mixture, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, and Brazilian nuts and mix uniformly to create a perfect dough. 
  6. Separate the dough into small balls and flatten them on the baking sheet. Arrange them 3 inches apart to ensure they bake properly. 
  7. Bake the cookies for about 15 minutes till they turn golden around the edges. 
  8. Remove the tray and let the cookies cool. 
  9. Transfer to a cookie jar to store. 


Follow these simple steps to create delicious chocolate chip cookies enriched with the goodness of CBD. You can experiment with some exciting variations to these recipes to enjoy some healthy homemade cookies.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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