How To Make Your Home Pet-Friendly

How To Make Your Home Pet-Friendly

After careful deliberation and ensuring you are ready for a pet, you can finally include a furry friend in your family! Owning a pet comes with several advantages, such as alleviating feelings of loneliness, increasing social interactions, boosting your mood, and helping you stay active. Therefore, it is of little wonder that statistics show that approximately 66% of American households own a pet. However, for you and your pet to enjoy your time together, it is important to ensure that the right measures are in place. Here are some ways to make your home pet-friendly. 

  1. Deep clean your home regularly

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A pet-friendly home is a clean home. Regularly clearing your home ensures that your pets are kept in a space that helps in improving their physical and mental wellbeing. It would help if you decluttered your home often to prevent your pet’s injuries which could be serious or even fatal. Additionally, regularly vacuuming your home (no matter how much your pets may hate it) keeps parasites and other elements of disease at bay. When cleaning, be mindful of the detergents you use on your surfaces and floors. As your pets spend time grooming themselves, licking the floors, and so on, they can come into contact with the chemicals you use for cleaning, which can be harmful when ingested. Therefore, research the best pet-friendly cleaning products to keep your home clean and safe. 

  1. Create a private zone

Just like you, your pets need some time and space to themselves. Therefore, creating a private zone for your pets is a great idea to ensure their stay with you is enjoyable. If you can afford to, you can install a kennel for your dogs, cages, or a cat pen. This gives your pet the privacy and comfort it needs. These spaces should have toys, beds, bowls, mats, and other items your pet needs. Fortunately, you don’t have to dedicate an entire room to create a private zone for your pet— which would be challenging if you have limited space. Instead, you can restrict areas in your living room, kitchen, or bedroom solely meant for your pet to eat, sleep, and play in. 

  1. Avoid carpets and rugs

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Although flooring is one aspect most soon-to-be pet owners don’t focus on, it plays a significant role in the comfort of your pet and for you as the homeowner. The major problem is that of carpeting and rugs. There is something cozy and aesthetically pleasing about having carpets and rugs in your home. However, you would want to reconsider your flooring options to become a good pet-owning household. Carpets and rugs tend to accumulate dander and fur, creating bacteria that is unhealthy for you and your pets. Additionally, the carpets trap odors and pet-related stains, making them appalling and difficult to clean. It is advisable to stick to hardwood floors which are easier to clean and more pet-friendly.  

To ensure you and your pet enjoy your time together, your home must be an environment they can flourish and grow. Fortunately, these pet-friendly tips will put you on the right path to achieving that. 

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